Woman, 81, killed in street mugging ‘ignored by passers-by as she called for help’.


While my comments may have focused on old folks, you can be sure that similar things of this nature have happened to those much younger.
While many still see the USA as some sort of wild west, the horrid truth is that England today a violent place and if what I read has any truth to it, it might be the most violent in Europe.  I don’t know why that should be, as Europe appears to be as liberal and pc as the UK. 

Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/19/2009 at 11:16 AM   
  1. Peiper I would like to think that if caught in the US the perp would face the rest of his or her worthless life behind bars, or strapped to a gurney waiting for a lethal injection. If they catch the scumbag I will bet a pound to a penny that the “life” sentence will be not more than ten years. I noticed in the UK news that a senior judge has called for more custodial sentences for burglars. Nice idea pity they don’t have adequate jail space thanks to ZaNuLabour’s policy of “community sentences”

    Oh and how about this gem. A former commando knocked down and killed by a Congolese “asylum seeker” who has failed his driving test seven times. The bastard does a hit and run but that isn’t serious enough to warrant deportation in Bliar/Brown’s brave new world.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   01/19/2009  at  01:37 PM  

  2. Just today I learned of a pair of costumed vigilantes in the city of Chula Vista CA. The two not only warn of crime, the intervene. The Chula Vista Police appreciate the alerts, but oppose the actions. Report crime, inform your fellow citizens about crime, but do nothing to intervene when crime occurs. The Chula Vista Police are not the only ones who do this. Leave stopping crime to the experts.

    So what you had here is an incident where the onlookers took that advice seriously. Don’t intervene, take no action, leave it to the experts. But the experts never showed up.

    That’s the thing about this policy, we don’t have the resources. The police can’t be everywhere, and they get always get there in time. This need to control places people in danger and deters us from taking action when action is needed. I’ll bet you a lot of people there were thinking it wasn’t there responsibility, that some one would take care of it. Because of that thinking an old woman died.

    An unforeseen, but quite foreseeable consequence of a policy engendered by authority’s prejudice towards the people.

    Posted by mythusmage    United States   01/20/2009  at  02:45 AM  

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