Why did you get pregnant?


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 04/13/2012 at 02:59 PM   
  1. I can’t believe that these morons are promoting bc pills as ‘a benefit in other ways’ yet classify pregnancy as a disease and dangerous. BC pills are the cause of 2/3 of all vascular problems in women (bet you didn’t know that) and I know it personally - the bc pill tried to kill me twice (ok, I was young and dumb to go back a second time) - but I did learn and alas - there are other forms of bc out there (and not just condoms).

    Meanwhile - when I was in school - sex ed - was basic biology. Now it appears to be taught out of the Alex Comfort’s The Facts of Love. And this is what you get - abortion, planned parenthood and birth control - all on the taxpayers dime.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/14/2012  at  08:41 AM  

  2. I forget where I saw it—might even have been here—but someone recently said that to conservatives, “access” to contraceptives means no one can stop you from buying them. To liberals “access” means the government buys them for you.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   04/14/2012  at  10:36 AM  

  3. Wardmama, I just found out about the vascular problems in women today. A female vascular surgeon called Rush Limbaugh in late February to inform the rest of us. Have to admit I didn’t know it before. Also, I never had ‘sex ed’ in school. I had Health classes.

    Yes, I’m a bit behind in listening to Rush’s podcasts.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/14/2012  at  02:38 PM  

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