Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/23/2009 at 03:30 AM   
  1. Frakking Politicians....

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/23/2009  at  07:22 AM  

  2. As a point of interest something the media appears to have overlooked. One of the MPs Hazel Blears aka the ginger chipmunk wrote out a cheque for £13,000 to pay back the Capital Gains Tax she managed to evade. If she send this cheque to Her Majesties Revenue and Customs they will not be able to process it without a corresponding account. So either they will have to institute an investigation into why she didn’t pay CGT (along with many of her colleagues) or they will put it towards next years tax bill and in effect she will have the money refunded. Since what she did, swapping her residence to avoid paying CGT (referred to as flipping) was not illegal under the rules that they formulated. It is most unlikely HMRC will have any grounds for investigation into tax evasion. Therefore it is a scam and she will get away with it. However I doubt the voters will forget about it.

    On the topic of the whistleblower it is interesting that he is very much “establishment” ex-army, ex-SAS. I think the old guard (the Queen etc.) have had about as much of nuLabour as they can stomach and want a quiet revolution.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   05/24/2009  at  12:17 PM  

  3. Frakking Politicians....

    I think the old guard (the Queen etc.) have had about as much of nuLabour as they can stomach and want a quiet revolution.

    But Lyndon, Why oh why has it taken sooooooooo looooooong?
    And think of it. If this scandal had not broken wide open, it’d still be going on.

    I know you keep up with things in Canada but I wish you could see the broadsheets (Macker, you too) wish you could see how the Telegraph has been showing this story. Looking at it on line is bad enough I must say.  But seeing this story unfold every single day over the past 18 days and covering many pages of a broadsheet newspaper, really conveys the story far better then the on line version.
    These ppl are dishonest at best and out and out thieves at worst. Both actually. And Labor (Labour) really takes the prize.  Party of the working man huh? Yeah. I won’t get started. Labour is commie, politically correct dimwits who’ve brought this country to ruin.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   05/25/2009  at  04:22 AM  

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