What’s Christopher reading redux


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 06/14/2010 at 08:10 PM   
  1. I hear the remake of The Karate Kid sucks shit.

    Posted by Macker    United States   06/15/2010  at  07:02 AM  

  2. Yeah, the remake of Karate Kid looks like crap. The first one was a success completely by accident, like ‘Road House’, which is a crappy movie and yet somehow impossible not to watch and enjoy.

    The Red Dawn remake might be good, though. They are having the Chinese invade us. I’ve seen some pictures of the set and the propaganda posters are spot on; they invaded to help our economy and stop corruption and so on.

    Posted by stormbird    United States   06/15/2010  at  10:10 AM  

  3. No remake is ever as good as the original IMO. Well, almost never. In all but the rarest cases the book is better than the film too. But sometimes ...

    I was going to do a little “what I’m reading” post too ... having gone through all my books here umpteen times I’m rereading Lord of the Rings. I’ve read this tome at least a dozen times before, maybe two dozen, but I haven’t paid old JRR a visit since Peter Jackson’s films came out. Which I saw in the theater, and have watched on DVD and later on TV many many times. And now I find myself poisoned, if you will. I don’t recall how the characters looked and sounded in my head before his films, but now in my imagination they are his. That in itself is not bad. The poisoning comes from my mind having accepted Jackson’s version of the story as the story. So in the books the “wrong” characters say the wrong things at times, the action often seems thin and almost plodding. This is a bit upsetting; I feel somewhat violated. My bookmark is just above the Falls of Rauros right now, just before the Parting of the Company and Jackson’s exquisite orc battle at the end of his first film FOTR. I fear that when I read that, my mind will merely pull up Jackson’s story. Which shows you the power of Jackson: in the same way that Bilbo and Frodo were each corrupted to an extent by the One Ring, I find myself changed by contact with the One Film.

    Is his telling of the tale better? “Yes, but then again, no.” It goes along a lot faster, the sense of dread is sometimes sharper, it’s much more of an action adventure. But it’s less of a visit to a beautiful and distant world. With hardly any of JRR’s poetry the otherness of the elfs and the tremendous weight of his history from the First Age down to the closing days of Middle Earth is absent. The depth, that immersive quality that made the books so fantastic to begin with, isn’t really there in the films.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/15/2010  at  11:10 AM  

  4. Hollywood is owned by brain dead libtard progressives who won’t allow an original thought, or anything decent to be produced.  The last movie I watched was Return of the King.  I haven’t seen a movie since, and I haven’t missed a damned thing.  I’d rather sit and watch my dog lick his balls than spend another dime on anything hollywood.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   06/15/2010  at  06:15 PM  

  5. Well it could be worse. It could be our money financing these wastes of celluloid as they used to call films. Notice they dont actually remake the good shit from the 30s,40s and 50s. Its always these 70s,80,and even 90s crap that werent much good 1st time around.
    There,Thats my worthless post of the day for JUNE 15th,2010 cool smirk

    Posted by Rich K    United States   06/15/2010  at  07:32 PM  

  6. The last film I saw at the theaters was the first Narnia movie. I’d’ve been willing to wait for the dvd, but my wife had never read the books and I wanted her to see it on the big screen. (just as I had when I took her to see the first installment of LotR, I got in trouble: see, I’ve read the books so often I knew the lines… that annoys her for some reason.)

    Why does Hollywood do remakes when there’s some much good literature to adapt?

    The last remake that was better than the original wasn’t even a movie; it was a TV show called Battlestar Galactica. I’ve yet to see a movie remake that was better than the original.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/16/2010  at  08:12 PM  

  7. Wait a second ... are you talking NEW Battlestar Galactica, or old Lorne Greene Battlestar Galactica? Cuz I’m not sure if there ever was a movie from which to base the first series. The Lorne Green series got stale pretty quick.

    But before BG we had UFO and Space: 1999 to sustain us and to get our fill of silver coated space babes. And of course, Keir Dullea in Starlost started the whole thing.

    I’m with grayjohn: I’m pretty sure that my last trip to a movie theater was for ROTK.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   06/17/2010  at  10:56 PM  

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