What On Earth??


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/27/2014 at 10:47 PM   
  1. Envirofakes, engaging in Envirocrime and Envirotheft, telling Envirolies to Envirotards.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   06/28/2014  at  06:46 AM  

  2. If you see an adjective before the word “justice”, you may as well just read it as either “perverted” or “corrupted”.

    Social justice -> Perverted justice

    Environmental justice -> Corrupted justice

    Yeah, that works for me.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   06/28/2014  at  08:11 AM  

  3. If we got $300,000 - after taxes - we’d be set (pay off 2 ignorant school ‘loans’, our house and get two new (20 & 12 years respectively). We could then live on what’s left (we’ve made it 3+ years now - even with house payments). Any more than that would get us the heck out of dodge - and maybe into employment.

    Meanwhile - a certain federal agency is NOT responding to any letters, packets or evidence sent and still taking money from our son’s SSI (he’s getting payment from the VA, you know) and our dental insurance waited until two weeks prior to cancel him from my policy - and again, no response to my appeal (he is on our medical insurance until he is 65- right now).

    And I succumbed (stupidly) to getting bi-focals. Can’t wear the glasses at all. Pain, beyond belief. Took them back. They ‘altered’ the frames. I chose new ones for non-bi-focals. Made it about 10 miles down the road - pain and I was nauseated. So I am back to wearing my old glasses (but you need to wear the new prescription - it changed). My head has hurt all week long. Found out today - that I was poisoning myself with sucrolose. I will probably never buy anything not on our shopping list again. I poured the rest down the drain.

    The stupid national pharmacy we chose after the previous national pharmacy kicked us by not taking our insurance - couldn’t be bothered to fill my son’s prescription for the time requested (we went in 3 hours later). So after his doctors appointment - we had to go back to get it.

    And to top it off - the kitty litter woke me up at 4AM - I get upstairs to kitty spew all over the couch and window sill. I spilled an entire bottle of the smallest pills that my son takes (while refilling his weekly pill boxes). And while feeding the kitty litter, I spilled an entire bag of liver powder all over the kitchen floor and had to vacuum it up - which meant that they beat feet to the basement.

    This is Obama’s America - where criminal illegal invaders are ‘needed’ for jobs - while Americans who have worked their entire lives for this country - are kicked to the curb and called racists, bigots, and told to shut up.

    Meanwhile - bone headed federal workers are laughing their asses off while yucking it up on our dime.

    It is the only reason I am glad that we are unemployed - not paying a dime in taxes - during the tenure of the junior high bullies and dopers - now in charge of it all.

    I hope that the damn illegals capture, rape and kill Pelosi - but instead - she will probably hire some of them.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/28/2014  at  08:12 AM  

  4. I second that last wardmama. I call for a vote!

    Posted by Christopher    United States   06/29/2014  at  12:50 PM  

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