Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 03/09/2005 at 06:11 PM   
  1. Here is my favorite whine:

    * For young women the personal connection is even more profound and the fear of sexual violence alters their daily life. Approximately nine out of ten (87%) young women said that they take special precautions to rarely or never walk alone after dark and nearly two-thirds (64%) said that they think about what could happen if they leave a drink unattended.

    So they are PO’d that they are not in a crime-free utopia where they can walk naked to the grocery store at midnight, leave their house unlocked, their car running, their kids unattended…

    Blame the soft-on-crime liberals.  If they want to be safe, BUY A GUN. I wonder if they know that 1/3 of women in the US own one?

    Did you check out the “source” at the bottom of the page?

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   03/09/2005  at  06:57 PM  

  2. aaaah male guilt month.


    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   03/09/2005  at  11:03 PM  

  3. Violence against women—I’m agin’ it.  And, like drunk driving, it was entirely too tolerated in the past.

    I told my sons to take a beating & run—don’t even defend yourself—against a wife/girlfriend.  (Terrorist females are in a different class.)

    But come on folks, cut the crap and the hyperbole.  We had a local case where a lesbian pumped a dozen rounds into her partner.  Sounds a whole lot like abuse and there were no men involved.  Abuse in lesbian relationships is not uncommon.

    Oh yeah, and rape is not any sex you later come to regret.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/09/2005  at  11:07 PM  

  4. P.S. Bragging.  My son was slapped by his brother’s dipship former-girlfriend.  He about-faced and walked out.  What a man. smirk

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/09/2005  at  11:12 PM  

  5. We had another no-so-serious case.  A local hick punched out his girlfriend.  No excuse—Guilty!  Go to jail—case closed.

    NOW that that is taken care of, lets turn our attention to her.  And the fact that she put a concrete block thru the window of his pick-up. (not while he was in it) angry

    The local JP suggested to them that they should have permanently disengaged from this unwholesome relationship looong time ago!

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/09/2005  at  11:34 PM  

  6. I have a confession OCM-I used to get “physical” with my ex-husband.
    I would bite him, scratch, hit,I beaned him with a cordless phone once.

    We didn’t divorce for that reason and are good friends now.

    Still-all those years ago what could my ex have done. I’m a petite woman-He’s a big guy.
    Who would the cops have believed.
    Btw-I was abused by my father and an ex-boyfriend so I’ve been on the other side too.

    I’m still ashamed of how I acted-and I know first hand that “woman as victim” is-many times- nothing more than a myth to guilt men into giving up their manhood.

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   03/09/2005  at  11:49 PM  

  7. I was actually ready to post this before Barb chimed in.  OCM telling about being a bouncer, made me realize that I have a big regret in my life.

    I have never witnessed a real screeching, biting, hair-pulling, rolling on the ground CATFIGHT! And I didn’t realize, until now, the empty spot it left in me.

    Uhh...Barb..kiss smile .. The next time you go to a Protest Warrior thing, could you give me a Heads-Up?surprised

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/10/2005  at  12:15 AM  

  8. Oink-and anyone else near the “Windy City"-
    PW is joining in a peaceful pro-Lebanese freedom rally on friday and a week from saturday we’re crashing Operation A.N.S.W.E.R.’s annual hate America first “gathering” -it’s done in conjunction with the anniversary of the ‘invasion’.

    Need/want more info-e-mail me. grin flag  skull  peace

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   03/10/2005  at  12:32 AM  

  9. At which one is there more likely be a not-too-large butch lesbian, with anger control issues, that you could provoke? peace

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/10/2005  at  12:37 AM  

  10. Oink-the A.N.S.W.E.R. rally-definately.*evil grin*

    Posted by Annoying Little Twerp    United States   03/10/2005  at  12:50 AM  

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