What a crock


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 11/25/2009 at 08:21 AM   
  1. You’re right. What a crock.  Of course there are stronger words but as you know Drew, none strong enough to cover this pc outrage. It does tend to piss one off does it not? btw ... I would be concerned about that kitten. Not so much the ppl but cute little kittens? Aw come on. We should make exceptions for them. Puppies too.  Muslims? Nyet.

    One of the obvious bad things about this sort of thing is of course, the enemy is very aware of this dumb assed weakness we portray. And as you say, they’ll beat us over the head with it as long as it’s allowed.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/25/2009  at  09:24 AM  

  2. Again I say: no prisoners. Don’t treat these folks as criminals and set out to capture it just feeds the PC/liberal deathwish machine.

    You find them beaten to a pulp somewhere and then you report it as such.

    Posted by Nicole    United States   11/25/2009  at  09:49 AM  

  3. Oh, but wait. Do you have any idea just how much they are pissing off entirely the wrong people? Heh heh heh, yeah. It will come back to bite them in the ass.


    Posted by cmblake6    United States   11/25/2009  at  11:01 AM  

  4. Dead men tell no stories. Bad guys need to be defeated. Take no prisoners.

    This whole thing makes me ill. I’m a Navy Veteran from the late Carter years. I don’t remember it being this convoluted when I was there.  The rules of engagement prohibit any and every thing that would make a real difference.


    Posted by RFA    United States   11/25/2009  at  05:03 PM  

  5. There was a caller on Rush today who claimed knowledge as a member of the special ops community that this is payback and a warning by the administration, due to the ROE issue with the elegant dispatch of the somali pirates in rescuing the MAERSK sea captain a few months back.

    Posted by Elvula    United States   11/26/2009  at  04:21 AM  

  6. Der ObamanFuhrer is trying to recreate the “Vietnam Experience” for our military.

    A demoralized and despairing lifestyle and working conditions, bad command decisions, micromanagement and destructive orders from DC, a whole host of the same ills of the past to convince our volunteer military to leave in droves.

    This is not just directed at our soldiers either. You can already see the beginnings of the media/DC backed efforts to create a PUBLIC BACKLASH against our soldiers, too. ... See More

    Barry and company know this kind of despair and demoralization causes frustrated, angry soldiers to lash out at those they encounter on the battlefield - especially as all of the orders and press they receive make it clear that our country far more values our enemies than it does the soldiers.

    Abu Ghraib was a total boon to the Commiecrats (as was My Lai in Vietnam) and the possibilities for a real atrocity are increasing rapidly as our soldiers fall further and further into despair.

    It wouldn’t take much for the public to turn on the soldiers and this would cement Pharobama’s plans to get rid of our existing military and use the money and resources to create a more domestically oriented force (filled with more “appropriate” people) that could be used to deal with us “bitter clingers” - kind of like the SS or KGB.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   11/26/2009  at  06:43 PM  

  7. You need to read this take from the American Thinker.

    The SEALs were offered non-judicial punishment for their alleged crimes (called a Captain’s Mast in the Navy), but they turned it down in favor of courts-martial. While technically not an admission of guilt, accepting a Captain’s Mast is generally tantamount to one. Presiding officers very rarely find the accused sailors innocent, and they often impose effectively career-ending punishment instead.

    Even if the SEALs prove their innocence in courts-martial or back the command down into dropping the charges, their careers might be ruined anyway. The problem is the military’s reliance on the justice system to address command problems. If these SEALs did, as accused, punch a captured terrorist and bust his lip in the course of arresting and transporting him, there ought to be a less dramatic way of dealing with the issue than the slippery slide to courts-martial.

    Now, I served during ‘peace-time’. Nothing much was going on, Grenada, Beirut, the Falklands, etc. No ‘declared’ wars.

    But we are at war with Islam. Declared by Islam. The only possible outcome I can see of this sort of legal wrangling is:

    “I had to knock him unconcious to take him prisoner.”

    “Too brutal. They’ll court-martial us all.”

    “So what do we do?”

    “Shoot him.”

    Honestly, I wouldn’t bother taking prisoners.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   11/29/2009  at  12:31 PM  

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