We’re All Special Now


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/29/2011 at 07:28 AM   
  1. You won’t believe this Drew and gang but ....

    It may be the reverse here.  The new budget is cutting lots out of all these programs.

    I’m not entirely certain yet what exactly as ppl with booze and drug abuse have been collecting for ... disability.

    Lyndon ?? comment please.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/29/2011  at  10:05 AM  

  2. I want to puke - In certain places (mostly around military bases/hospitals) it is neigh on impossible to get a blue space.  [I once parked in the expectant mommies space - it was a horrendous rainstorm, son was still in wheelchair 24/7 and with picking him up at school - we were cutting the appt close - so I dropped him at the front entrance and proceeded up and down the two blue space aisle - this was the only open space so I took it - low and behold some guy with preggy wife was (miraculously) there as I got out of the car - he yelled it is Expectant Mom space & he needed it and was going to call the MPs - I told him go ahead, it was pouring rain, my son is in a wheel chair and I believed my Blue Card trumped his pink one as far as the MPs were concerned.] At the HS - it is notorious for the Mommies picking up little Prince or Princess to block the Blue Spaces up so either I could not get in or out.

    And please - There are way too many bogus ‘disabilities’ that have NOT A DAMN THING WITH THE ABILITY TO WALK ANY DISTANCE. I am so sick of this victim mentality and nonsense - as I am with having to pay for the damn blue sticker every 5 years (even though he is never going to grow his leg back) - and No we don’t have a modified van (he has no desire to learn to do somethings for himself) or a lift van (we can barely afford a van must less the extra 10-20K to modify it). So not everyone shows the need level they do actually need.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/30/2011  at  09:28 AM  

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