Welcome To Wonderland


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 06/25/2015 at 01:20 PM   
  1. Not a shocker but it’s OK, Galts words are in my every action and will be till I’m gone, as far as this corrupt republic is concerned.
    finger  mooning  nah-nah

    Posted by Rich K    United States   06/25/2015  at  02:34 PM  

  2. Well, we tried to overthrow this stupid communist law peacefully. What was it Kennedy stated about peaceful changes being made impossible?

    Posted by sdkar    Unknown   06/25/2015  at  10:35 PM  

  3. Guys, this has I know been argued over for a long time.  Even so, I’ve been out of touch with the issue and far removed, living here as I do. I’ve also spent less time on the puter lately as all will note. Some time ago Drew and maybe it was Doc Jeff, went into some detail explaining this law. I guess I should have printed things out and saved, no jokes intended. The thing is, I still haven’t a clue even with the post today by Drew.
    I’m not clear on why affordable health care if that’s what this is about, is altogether a bad thing. I have obviously missed a hell of a lot.
    Like ... if I ever return to the USA which is after all my home ...  how would this be bad as I’d be coming home with no insurance whatever, having been here for over 10 years.

    (as things stand, I much doubt I’ll ever see home again)

    What exactly is this new health law or whatever it’s called, supposed to do? I know what Obama says it’s supposed to do. I think. ??

    I think I understand that folks will be obligated by law to have ins. Do I have that correct?  Well, what if someone is old and infirm and poor? Or out of work and not by design.?? What then?  What sort of health issues will be covered and what is excluded?

    What little (I admit) I have managed to read, is all very confusing.

    Now this may not be a good thing, I leave that to others. But the only way I can view things and make decisions for myself is, to know if it’s supported by the left. Which I understand this bill is.  Therefore, without fully understanding everything, I have to be opposed cos I can not tolerate the left or anything they stand for or claim they stand for.  But to tell the truth, I wish I had a better understanding of what it is I’m opposed to, besides just the fact it’s a lefty thing. Which is usually enuff reason to be against it.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/26/2015  at  01:09 PM  

  4. As of today it gets even Better peiper,
    Now we have federally sanctioned marriage of anyone with “legal adult” status.
    In no time at all this will legalize 3 couple shit, 10 couple shit and ,come to think of it, Didn’t the Mormons have to abrogate the right to polygamy to get Utah statehood?
    Well that ship is about to sail too. Marry as many as you want.
    BTW, if two legal adults can “connect” in any way they agree to, whats stopping prostitution from becoming legit?
    Answer?,,,Nothing but a few legal battles and Whalla, cheap Pussy and a serious hit to Marriage as an institution. Free Cow, or at least at a discount.
    Welcome to the “Brave New World”. Great book, but I never thought it would be a primer on what America would become in 2015.
    crazy  shit  toilet  skull  nah-nah  show_tits  doggiestyle

    Posted by Rich K    United States   06/26/2015  at  04:23 PM  

  5. When exactly, did we lose it? When and how? I mean lose our country. Where was the conservative majority? Or maybe we never really were the majority.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/26/2015  at  06:08 PM  

  6. No peiper - we are still the majority - but since 2001 - we have not been a Constitutional Republic and since 2008 we have not been a Democracy. We are being ‘ruled’ by activists who only desire is to destroy America from within.

    The stupidity on MEDICAL CARE - is that it should be between a doctor and patient - both in action or inaction, belief or non belief, and as to choices or no choice. This ACA is not affordable, has not reduced the number of uninsured (actually more are uninsured, but then I deal in facts), has not improved access or any of the other lies.

    Every time you add a layer - hospitals which add to doctor’s charges, insurance which adds to doctor’s charges and now the Federal Government which is going to add to doctor’s charges - that does not make anything more affordable. The only two medical areas whose prices have not risen exponentially are those two that have never been covered by most insurances (elective plastic surgery being one of them). But worse there are people who have no medical education what-so-ever making MEDICAL decisions (worse than Insurance - because with no Federal Government involvement- and money - you could at least seek out what medical care your insurance wouldn’t approve), and when the Federal Government gets involved - the quality of the care, the quantity of the care and the availability of the care goes down - Never, ever forget - that any contract with the Federal Government is based upon the Lowest bid submitted or the one bribed into existence.

    There is Nothing good that will come of this weeks (the TPP, the ACA ruling or the gay ‘marriage’ ruling) DC elitists forcing upon America.

    The Supreme Court can Not (Constitutionally) make Law.

    The President can Not (Constitutionally) make Law.

    And apparently, since 2001 - Congress has abdicated it’s control over the other two branches in handing over power to them.

    God Help US all.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   06/27/2015  at  09:44 AM  

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