Weekend Editorial


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 11/26/2006 at 01:30 AM   
  1. Skipper I have also recently finished America Alone. Steyn is brilliant in my view, but it was very depressing for those of us stuck in EUropistan. His conclusions are not encouraging. I think the part that I found most depressing was where he looked back to the seventies, and stated that if you compare your life today it isn’t much different. The cars look better (though some here might disagree, at least they probably work better), the tv’s have flat screens etc. but essentially they still do the same job. The thing that is different if you live in Europe is the population. Where I grew up in the 70’s there were very few ethnic people. Now if you drive through where I used to live it’s like the Third World. This would be ok in a country like the US where people strive to become “American” and are proud of this. However in Britain and I suspect in most of Europe the predominant immigrants are muslims. They do not want to assimilate, and in fact they intend to assimilate us into Islam as fundamentally that is their duty as muslims. Steyn’s prediction for Europe is bleak. He described the future Britain as “Somalia with fish and chip shops” this may explain why 1,000 people a month leave Britain for good.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   11/26/2006  at  05:53 AM  

  2. Haven’t read the book but I for one am at wits end wondering why so many are against this President? Am I alone to think that his speech given on 20 Sept 2001 was a crystal clear essence of what America was facing and so inspirational? Yes, I agree to an enth degree that Bush is not a communacator but that to me is his strength, he is ‘everyman’ and we should admire that even in this jaded, tv starry time - that an everyman can still become President. Clinton turned the WH, Presidency and America into a World joke - he is the one who demeaned America into 9/11. Bush has done an admirable job working against first the lunatic left who declared him ‘selected’ and whined forever over a stolen election, then the anti-war hippie leftovers piled on with the immoral and illegal war crappola and then the media entered the frey with their lying, leaking and elevation of liars and ‘talking’ points and then the ‘redeploy to Okinawa’ extremists of the dems highjacked the dnc and led it into insanity and finally even conservatives and moderates turned against Bush.
    Newsflash, Bush is not the enemy. He does not seek to destroy America nor to imprison those against him. He is amazing to keep going with everyone who should be on his side against him - let us not forget those who really are our enemy who want to kill or enslave all of us.
    It is so frightening that people are so derranged, shortsighted, self-absorbed, and stupid to be centered on and hateful of our President in a time of War.
    God Help America - at least I know 90+% of the military (and former military) will stand up and defend her - we might actually make it even with the traitors and turncoats and appeasrers. But it is going to get ugly before it gets better.
    Let’s hope that a major attack is attempted before Jan - so the lunatic dems can remember exactly what and why we are at War!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/26/2006  at  11:25 AM  

  3. Im makeing money hand over fist, im in construction, and have no plans to leave the UK. dont be sutch a dramer queen.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   11/26/2006  at  12:09 PM  

  4. Drama even

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   11/26/2006  at  12:12 PM  

  5. Havent you left yet Lyndon B? i can rember you harping on about this kind of crap over a year ago, time to move on old chap.

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   11/26/2006  at  12:18 PM  

  6. Steyn is a bright guy, writes very well, and is extremely entertaining. I just read “America Alone” and the one thing that struck me as odd is the deterministic reverence given demographics. I was apalled at the socialist squalor and indulgence of the Euro-Nanny State. I don’t know if Steyn is right or not, but doubtless some European nations will fare better than others. I know that’s akin to predicting heavy traffic at 5:00pm, but it is true, nonetheless.

    I noticed a surprising article over at Blue Crab Boulevard

    regarding a recent article by Ralph Peters in the New York Post

    Whatever one’s opinion of Peters, it is foolish not to read him seriously. IMHO Peters is much closer to the future reality of Eurabia than Steyn. Is Germany ominously silent? I can more likely see an upsurge in European nationalism than submission to islamofascists. Remember there is a much wider gulf in the views expressed by the ruling cliques of Europe and its citizenry than in America.

    Posted by markmc    United States   11/26/2006  at  01:27 PM  

  7. Get your ass over here LyndonB! We’re glad to take you in! cool smile

    Posted by Macker    United States   11/27/2006  at  03:59 AM  

  8. Cheer Macker but getting into the US on a permenant basis is tough these days!

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   11/27/2006  at  07:30 AM  

  9. Bulldog you’re not Polish by any chance?

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   11/27/2006  at  08:10 AM  

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