Wednesday Question: Is Sarah Palin the new Friday?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/17/2008 at 02:34 PM   
  1. When I was a couple decades younger, a friend said to me one day, “how is it that you can be such a ballbuster and still have the best looking and smartest guys hanging around ready to do whatever you need to be done, yet they aren’t yes men themselves.”

    My answer was simple. They know I can take care of myself, I don’t need to be rescued, but at the same time, I make them feel needed in the small ways that count. It is the difference between being a feminist man-hater/man-destroyer, and a smart, hardworking, and feminine woman who understands that men and women are different and uses/used every asset I had/have at my disposal.

    I think I got my “skill” from my parents. My Mother was brilliant and extremely successful, but shy and a bit of bookworm. My Dad was outgoing, very popular, and successful in his field. He was not threatened by my Mother’s success or her rise to prominence. He saw it as a positive reflection on himself. My Mother, OTOH, gave my Dad full credit for giving her the confidence, through his love, outgoing personality, and support, to go for the brass ring. I see the same thing at play as I listen to Todd and Sarah Palin. He doesn’t need her to succeed in what he loves, but his support and pride for her makes her job a whole lot easier to accomplish.

    So, getting back to those guys I mentioned in the first paragraph, I told them what my friend had asked, and asked them why they hung around with me. Their answer was, “You like what we like [kind of one of the boys thing], you tell us off when when we need it, hey, you’re like Mom, only good things happen when we put into motion your ideas, and your intuition and instincts are better developed than ours, plus you do it all with those sexy eyes, so who can say no.” You see there were lots of things that I knew would only get put in motion if it was man to man, so I took advantage and everyone benefited. My feminist friends were appalled that I was reduced to a sex symbol, me, I was delighted and filed the eye information away for future use.

    Of course, one of the other guys said, “You do helpless better than any ballbuster I know.”

    Posted by Pal2Pal    United States   09/17/2008  at  03:43 PM  

  2. Pal2Pal - reminds me of one NCO I worked for - while being a two-timing pig in private - he was a feminists dream in public. As he was scrunched into the front seat of my Honda replacing the key mechanism - he said ‘You can do anything.’ I replied, ‘Yes, I even got you to do this for me!’ Needless to say - both NCOs & I were laughing because it was true.

    Too many women are taking the low road - wanting to be the same as or better than men - not realizing that being a woman has its perks in more ways than one.

    My hubby is a disabled veteran - I do the lawn and a lot of work around the house (stained and waterproofed the ramp, deck and gazebo this year) - I am sure some of my neighbors (particularly the men who do their Sat lawn thing) wonder about it. We are ok with doing what we have to do - for me, while he was away in the Army - I did it a lot then too. He cooks too - it works best when it works both ways.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/17/2008  at  07:02 PM  

  3. You are both exactly the type of woman I absolutely prefer. I want a partner, not a slave.  My sister, my mother, my wife, I was blessed by strong, intelligent women. Always.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   09/17/2008  at  09:01 PM  

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