We The People


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 03/19/2010 at 06:38 PM   
  1. Glad you liked OCM. But I doubt that Sarracuda narrated.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/20/2010  at  07:01 PM  

  2. If Sarracuda did narrate, great. Especially if she really believes what she narrates.

    Why the animosity against Palin? She’s not an ‘intellectual’? So? Neither am I. I don’t need to be an ‘intellectual’ to run my life properly. I don’t need to be an ‘intellectual’ to know right from wrong.

    I’ll admit, when I first heard Obama speak I was impressed… until I listened to what he was saying.

    Content! Content! Content!

    I don’t care how eloquently he says it, it’s still wrong.

    I’m reminded that the greatest President in my lifetime was only a B-movie actor. In ‘79, my first ever chance to vote in a Presidential election, I’ll admit that I flirted with Jon Anderson’s campaign. But then, a short news-clip swung me over to Ronald Reagan.

    The news-clip showed Ronald Reagan in street clothes (no suit&tie) loading his luggage into the trunk of a car. A reporter shouted a question about how he would handle the then-current Iranian hostage crisis. Mr. Reagan responded “I will not negotiate with terrorists.”

    I voted Reagan. Twice. But that characteristic Reagan ‘quip’ swung me from the Jon Anderson column the first time.

    Turns out, upon the publication of Reagan’s thoughts, letters, speeches, he was an intelligent man. I suspect that there’s a difference between intelligent and ‘intellectual’.

    OCM, you may have given me a idea for my next Toastmasters speech.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/21/2010  at  09:39 AM  

  3. Dittos on that last sentence.

    The problem is, without Pelosi and Reid, he couldn’t do shit

    I question the loyalty of the whole Democrat Party. I submit that all of them, from Hussein Obama on down, are in violation of their oath of office.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/21/2010  at  10:04 AM  

  4. Is there a solution?

    Why, yes. A bunch of us peons are going to have run for office, set things right, and go home.

    That’s actually how the Founders envisioned our government. I really don’t believe they envisioned the rise of a ‘corporate political class’.

    Hmmm, did I just invent a term? ‘Corporate Political Class.’ In other words, our Founders never thought of the rise of the ‘career politician.’ Most of the Founders weren’t career politicians. They had farms, law practices, businesses, etc. They engaged in politics to defend themselves from King George and Parliament.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/21/2010  at  10:27 AM  

  5. Yes to Christopher’s solution - and we start with Term Limits - and they can’t vote their raises, retirement packages and healthcare (where in the Constitution does it say healthcare is a RIGHT?!?) Then We The People repeal the 16th Amendment - Federal Income Tax - and get it back to the way it was meant by the Founding Fathers - the States decide and send to DC what it needs to nationally do infrastructure and Defense - the rest ARE STATES BUSINESS, NOT FEDERAL.

    And we do away (slowly phase them out) all the Federal social/entitlement programs that have created the do nothing but gimme, gimme, gimme class.

    And a second thought to Christopher’s solution - Is it any more wrong, evil or corrupt to pander to Big Union as it is to pander to Big Corporation? Actually it is - Big Corporations provide a service and/or product that We The People can ‘vote’ on with our pocketbooks and drive the corrupt ones out of business - How can We The People fight Big Union when it is now in bed with the Current Administration and allowed to assault and threaten and invade (and publicly put onto the internet) personal private information of American citizens - without repercussion at all?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/22/2010  at  09:52 AM  

  6. We also have to repeal the 17th Amendment. The 17th Amendment allows for popular election of Senators. Previously Senators were appointed by the state legislatures. This gave the states a voice in Congress. Now what we basically have are two Houses of Representatives. The states have NO representation. If they did, the Senate bill would never have passed.

    Term limits. I’m not sure that’s the answer. Ideally we’d handle it via the redistricting process. We should do something about how congressional districts are drawn. No more gerrymandering to ensure a ‘safe’ seat for either party. But, since I doubt that will happen, I’d certainly vote for term limits. Seems to work well at the Presidential level.

    Damn it wardmama, I’ve had several friends, some of whom I’ve known since jr. high, urging me to run for office. When couple of those are now Cols and LtCols in the Army and Marines, you have to seriously consider it. Personally, I don’t think my candidacy would survive the media anal exam. But these guys know my background and would support me in spite of that. Why? Because they know my political philosophy, I guess.

    Regardless. I stand by ‘Christopher’s solution’. We peons are going to have to roll up our sleeves and get dirty. Politics is/are dirty. We can no longer try to mind our own business when so many Leftists want to mind our business for us.

    It is not my solution, of course. It’s the vision of the Founders.

    Meanwhile, I’m adopting the ‘Slaughter rules’:

    I’ve ‘deemed’ my Census forms filled out and mailed.
    I’ve ‘deemed’ my taxes filed and payed.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/22/2010  at  11:00 AM  

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