very unusual eye candy in the news this week


Posted by peiper    United States   on 02/20/2015 at 02:26 PM   
  1. Well look at that, tastefull kiddy pron.
    Tsk Tsk.
    smurf  sheep  tune

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/20/2015  at  08:11 PM  

  2. IMHO I think Beauty Contests are an anachronistic holdover from the twentieth century that need to fade away like variety shows on TV. And after that maybe the Annual Mutual Ass Kissing contests they call the Oscars and Emmy’s .

    Posted by Rich K    United States   02/22/2015  at  12:51 AM  

  3. Frankly I find much to be cringe worthy about both, especially the Oscars, which while always somewhat political are even more so now. So I quit watching so long ago I can no longer count the many years since.
    But there are millions for whom the awards have some meaning and give them some pleasure. My wife does not watch them any longer having no patience for some of the overlong self serving speeches. However, she has always had an inerest in who was wearing what gown. So she watched the aftershow or some program that followed even a day later. She will certainly look in the papers next day and read what the critics have to say. For myself, I don’t mind looking (gawking really, innit?) at a well turned out actress. But I don’t really care in the end.
    Beauty contests have lost the thread, more so over the years and things have become more and more pc. But as long as there are beautiful women who want to compeat and for whom a title and a chance to wear beautiful gowns and glide their way across a stage in front of millions, and as long as there are fortunes to be made, don’t look for it to end too soon. And especially not thru the efforts of the militant bow-wows who every year bark madly about how demeaning they are, and unable even if they had the desire, could never make the grade themselves.

    The 20th century saw the beginning of the pageant, but the beauty “contest” predates the 20th century.  Yes, for a lot of us it long agao became a yawn and so we mostly ignore both activities. But millions of young ppl take our jaded place each season to make a fuss over and to look in awe and hope desire and admiration, at the splended miracle in human form that is called .... The Female. 
    Thank Heaven ,,, For Little Girls ,,,, For They Grow Up In The Most Amazing Ways!

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/22/2015  at  01:48 AM  

  4. You know Peiper, you may be right in a far bigger sense than you realize. I’ve read how civilization began, humanity began, because of pretty girls. The apes kept breeding more and more gracile forms, taller and softer. And then all those proto-humans interbred, and the ones that won out were the better looking ones. Beauty really did still the savage beast, and kindness and compassion are the roots of civilization. Animals have very little altruism.

    To this day politics, Hollywood, life in California is a beauty contest. We are actively breeding for pretty, now with killer tight bodies. I can’t speak to the Cow Corners where the rest of you guys live, but around me, if I stop to notice, most of the females 40 or under are far better looking than the girls I went to high school with. Go look in a history book. Women, people, in the 20s and 30s were way better looking than their pioneer grandparents back in the 1850s. But compared to youths of the 50s, they were plotz. And the 80s over the 50s, and the Aughts over the 80s. They just keep getting prettier. Stupider too, it seems, but that’s a debate for another day.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/22/2015  at  06:25 AM  

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