us court gives ok to illegal cop entry into home.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/15/2011 at 02:43 AM   
  1. "modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence” means statist judicial activism.

    Take this judge out to the post and execute him by firing squad. He is a KGB loving communist, a believer in jack boots at 3am. Not only is his brain completely worthless, his entire attitude is so against everything that America ever stood for that he should not even be in this country. That he can issue such a statement from a position of power shows a level of arrogance that is beyond unacceptable: he has betrayed the public trust and abrogated his essential duty to support and defend the Constitution. And that should be an instantaneous capital offense. His words are his guilt.

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    “if the police act wrongfully in entering your house your remedy is under law”: you are God damn right it is: shoot him. Right between the eyes, Osama style. Fuck the police, they are all worthless scum sucking leeches anyway, moronic knuckle dragging high school bullies who prevent zero crime and grow fat on the public dole. The only crimes they “solve” are those where someone rats someone else out. Well, that’s when they don’t have a convenient black guy to pin it on. There isn’t a department out there that isn’t rife with corruption and evidence suppression and tampering. And the DAs are worse. These days the cops have become a very unfriendly paramilitary force, what with their assault weapons, SWAT teams, armored mini tanks, ramming gear on their cars, instantaneous access to every last bit of government data on any individual given to them digitally with no cause needed, etc. They treat everyone like shit, like worms, like you’re already guilty of something and they just haven’t gotten around to arresting you yet. And in court they lie through their teeth whenever it suits. Fuck that. They neither Serve nor Protect. They only endeavor to inculcate a fear of their Authority. That makes them thugs. Gangsters. The citizen’s only pushback against all of that is heightened rights within their own homes. If a cop barges in illegally then he is no different than an armed burglar making forceful entry and the castle doctrine applies. Gun the motherfucker down.

    No search without a warrant, no warrant without JUSTIFIED probable cause, and no entry ANYWHERE without said warrant or the express invitation of the residents. NONE. EVER. And instant painful death to anyone in authority who tries to weasel their way around that fundamental right. The courts exist SOLELY to protect and extend the rights of the citizens, NOT to add to the already tremendously overreaching powers of the state.

    Hang them all.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/15/2011  at  06:30 AM  

  2. Constitution? We don’t need no stinkin Constitution…
    BHO has greased this slippery slope quite well…

    Posted by Elvula    United States   05/15/2011  at  02:45 PM  

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