Twice As Bad As Bonnie And Clyde?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/09/2014 at 03:25 PM   
  1. “The policemen that had on the black and white vests were out there laughing like it was so funny,” said one of the neighbors,

    Seems to me - these cops belong in Peiper’s story above about military soldiers being punished (and condemned) for their behavior toward subhuman terrorists.

    Both victims seem to be recidivist criminals - Yes the second guy wasn’t part of the crime. Yes - the idiot person who gave to order to open fire - should be fired, tried and convicted. In a months old story - how the second guy got in the car - is never mentioned by the media. Terrible police work, terrible IA ‘investigation’ and absolutely horrible ‘journOlism’.

    Overkill, stupid and absolutely dangerous - it’s what unionizing (and thus mostly preventing the firing of) public servants costs a free and supposedly independent nation to become - a police state comprised of unaccountable bureaucrats.

    So the car was crashed - and then the police opened fire? Why wasn’t someone canned and jailed for this? Again - unionized ‘public’ servants is a really bad idea.

    And why the idiots in DC are so busy implementing all kinds of laws to meddle in every facet of American (free) citizens lives - can’t they come up with a ‘bi-partisan’ and ‘independent’ council - that investigates all allegations against - oh, say - teachers, doctors, police, politicians - You know the people who are suppose to serve us - but get their own to ‘investigate’ and ‘police’ themselves. Wouldn’t we all love to have our buds doing the investigating and policing of us?

    Governments should be against the law. They are nothing but a punitive and corrupt racket.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/10/2014  at  08:19 AM  

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