try again Saturday


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/10/2016 at 04:18 PM   
  1. U GO GRL,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, trophy  trophy

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/11/2016  at  07:40 PM  

  2. hubby is just days away from his next back treatment so he is watching the Olympics (when he is awake) most of the time. I enjoyed the Mens fencing. Sadly I missed most of the equestrian and our stupid machine did not record what we scheduled. Terrible when computer maintenance and the cable co maintenance slam at the exact same time. I am missing way too much - hope to watch video of the horseies when either NBC or youtube gets their act together.

    When are the para olympics scheduled? I’d like to catch the summer version - if PBS had not run a documentary on the Sled Hockey team - I’d have missed the winter ones.

    Sad that our media is so biased that they can push lies and bs - and ignore something that might actually get ratings for these failing channels.

    Of course ignorant morons who insist on bringing in personal issues that have nothing to do with the olympics - show exactly how damn biased they are. IE the idiot going after Simone Biles and her TRAGIC but turned into something WONDERFUL life story of her parents. And how they want to bait and attack people that they don’t agree with or like. And so I made a comment on FB to the 10 people who follow me - and once again - it was one of my daughters who went after me for my ‘tone’. It is what I hate about the pc/feelings are most important idocracy that has become entrenched in the past 7+ years - that if you say something, if you have an opinion or want to point out the truth and/or correct someone - You are hateful, mean and either shut up or LEARN to tone it down.

    We are now in a guarded - co-existance, which I also blame on the past 7+ years - as at her age I was married with 2 kids, working a 40 hour week, keeping my 3 bedroom apartment clean AND going to college at night, in a foreign country. And she whines that she ‘works’ and can’t do anything to help around here.

    Bite me - I am out of here - grocery shopping, son to doctors appt and somewhere in all that mess - attempting to put in enough time to get a 20 hour/for two weeks PT paycheck (still, in my dreams shooting for a 20 hr week PT paycheck). As today is payday - need to clock that time.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/12/2016  at  06:48 AM  

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