Transgendered? Not likely.


GLBT? How long before B and P are added? (B=Bestiality, P=Polyamorous or Polygamous)

Posted by Christopher    United States   on 05/23/2012 at 03:33 PM   
  1. This is getting way out of hand.  If parents don’t cave in and allow their children to be given these hormone blockers, then they’re derided as ignorant and child abusers.  I fear that one day not too far off this attitude will be institutional and parents can be arrested for perceived child abuse.

    Posted by Trish1309    United States   05/23/2012  at  04:26 PM  

  2. ’perceived child abuse’? I fear that has already been happening in Germany and Sweden. The charge: Homeschooling.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   05/23/2012  at  06:16 PM  

  3. Faggots.

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/23/2012  at  06:25 PM  

  4. Issues with breathing? How on earth does one breathe like a girl? Or not? This is crackadoodle IMO. And it’s also my opinion that it is the parents who are causing this, using their child as some damn psychology experiment. And that IS child abuse.

    Ok, I’m no expert ... but aren’t babies and tiny little toddlers just children? Don’t they have to live a few years before assuming any kind of gender awareness? Like at around 4? I can not accept that this kid was having these “issues” at 2. Impossible.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/24/2012  at  07:31 AM  

  5. Liberal ideology states: What ever make YOU feel good is OK.

    Personal responsibility, self-discipline and the impact of your actions on the rest of society are ignored in the Liberal nirvana.

    The unfortunate part is that a majority of “Conservatives and Independents” either are not aware of this behavior or just don’t care to push back.

    That means the Liberal army will continue to advance and become stronger.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   05/24/2012  at  07:57 AM  

  6. Goes right along with my post on the subject a month or two ago. Insanity.
    Oh I forgot, it’s only new age modernity. Get used to it cos I think there’s more to come.
    And btw ... what else would you expect in a society, as is happening here, where a so called art gallery has on display, nothing. Yeah, as in blank space and an 8x10 piece of paper the “artist” looked at many times a day for five years.
    All a part of the same kind of looney tune upside down thinking by ppl who should know better. I can’t believe children this young are capable of this kind of thinking.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   05/24/2012  at  09:01 AM  

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