

Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/07/2006 at 04:50 AM   
  1. I, like others here, am disappointed to see the issue of national security made into a politcal issue.  But the thing to remember here is that Bush isn’t the one who originally turned this into a political issue; the Democrats/Lefties did that via the whole “BDS” thing.  That said, it warms my heart to see Bush starting to take it to right back to the Dems.  My hat is off to Darth Rove… clap

    Okay, chumps (Dems), the ball is your court.  Lets see what you’ve got.

    Posted by shinjinrui    United States   09/07/2006  at  08:37 AM  

  2. Why are you all bitching that Bush hasn’t responded to the Dems? Does it ever matter? I’ve spent (wasting) time to attempt debate, conversation, simply stating facts - these people are so far gone with their BDS - nothing registers. Meanwhile, Bush has been running the GWOT, America and staying in power. Who cares if a Poll on Daily Kos says that 99% of humanity is against him - they aren’t polling rational humans - is it valid?
    That is the same point with the MSM - if they are biased and reporting only from the starting point of their bias, are they reporting REALITY? No, so why answer, why try to dissuade people who are so far out of touch that even facts, the truth and reality don’t register. By responding, the President would have given the BDS, politicalization, partisan, craziness power and control it does not deserve.
    I am glad that now people are actually seeing the speech for what it was, hang these weak willed, whinner appeasers with their own words and show them for what they are. Darth Rove is great to have done this right on the heels of the reality trip that it was not the WH but indeed Wilson himself and WH backstabbers who made Plamegate into a lunatic left fantasy.
    Now, as Congress takes this on (which forgive me but didn’t the Patriot Act, Action in Iraq and other legislation passed after 9/11, already give President Bush this power and control). Anyhow, it will be interesting to see if they value America or their BDS/re-election/lunatic netroots.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/07/2006  at  10:51 AM  

  3. Nice one peiper. two_thumbs_up

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   09/07/2006  at  03:51 PM  

  4. It’s about time Bush took this strategy and started fighting the enemy at home.

    Posted by Debbie    United States   09/07/2006  at  04:14 PM  

  5. And the sly ole cowboy did it just as the election whohaw gears up. Yep, Darth Rove, Bush’s Brain really did a great one this time. I can’t wait to see how the next two elections go - if the lunatic left and nutroots left blogosphere don’t bring themselves under control - I predict a great Repub/conservative/moderate win. And given the left/dem response to ‘The Paths to 9/11’ once again, they aren’t learning and can’t control their sheer lunacy. And they ever have to wonder why we call them barking moonbats?

    peiper, I haven’t gotten anything but I’ve been missing in action for a few days (got a whole 2 hours of sleep last night) and not checking mail very well at all. Will go check it this afternoon.

    Debbie, as I posted, there is no real point for Bush to respond to most of the garbage thrown out by the nutroots blogs, lunatic left and dems - it would just give it power, credibility and control it does not deserve. This (giving the detainee question back to Congress) was needed and deserved. The justice system is trying to screw up the GWOT and Bush just did what he had to do - force these lying cretins to either stand by their votes or just completely destroy the Democratic Party with their BDS. We shall see.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/08/2006  at  12:57 PM  

  6. The left does look like it might implode.  Yeah!

    Posted by Debbie    United States   09/08/2006  at  01:01 PM  

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