too funny


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/25/2015 at 12:31 PM   
  1. Now it’s called gender “REALIGNMENT” surgery?  As in putting something back to the way IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE.  Like as in when my car gets a re-alignment to put the suspension BACK to how it is supposed to be from the factory?  Again, the key meaning is BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED!

    Is this just another abuse of language and the forceful placement of a term to make chopping your penis off and installing a vagina sound normal?  If Bruce actually had an actual “re-alignment” procedure, it would involve smacking him upside the head until he realized he was a dude and that a penis was his proper equipment and should stay right where is it.  Hence, aligning his body and brain back to realizing that his junk is what the factory intended him to have.

    Now, re-assignment, is just that.  Assigning a new part where one was not. 

    It’s all in baby steps...they just keep pushing, til eventually, queer is normal and so on.  It’s nonsense like this that will eventually make it okay to molest small children. 

    Hey, I get want to act out on your weird fantasy of being a woman...and a damn ugly one at that.  But do NOT try to convince me or make this sound like a normal thing.  It’s not.  Of course, I am now transphobic.  But actually, I am just attempting to “realign” proper thinking in society.  Being a homosexual is not normal, but hey, this is America...a free country (for now).  Whatever floats your boat.  I am A-OK with that, and will still respect you as a person, as long as you are a GOOD PERSON.  But chopping your thing off is way not normal.  Normal is defined as conforming to a standard or conforming to the common type, or what is expected or is typical. 

    None of what ole Brucey here is doing is standard, or common, or typical of the average everyday person.  It is NOT at all.  So stop trying to make this sound “NORMAL”. 

    It’s NOT.

    Posted by sdkar    Unknown   04/25/2015  at  11:11 PM  

  2. Anything that makes a professional leftist liar recoil has got to be good.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   04/25/2015  at  11:33 PM  

  3. The question is - was Jenner lying for all the previous years (and 3 marriages and 6 biological children) or is he lying now?

    Sorry I have to disagree with the Christian - as to be a Christian and this type of person - You are saying that God makes mistakes. God does not (excuse my french) - f*ck up making people - people screw up each other - sometimes even before they are born.

    Shame on him for actually implying that God make a mistake. Just another lying, disturbed individual attempting to blame God and ruin civilized society for another 15 minutes of fame and to be able to refuse to accept responsibility for their actions and deviant behavior .

    Shame on the media and all the pc police pandering to people who used to be shunned or locked up.

    Accepting and loving yourself as you are is the most important step and first step to being able to love and accept others as they are.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/26/2015  at  09:02 AM  

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