toldja so


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/14/2020 at 10:43 AM   
  1. You make good points but, unfortunately, they are based upon reason, logic, heuristics and facts to arrive at objective conclusions A soon to be archaic method, discouraged by politicians and educrats. 

    Objective historical facts have little influence when a very vocal, politically correct, perpetually indignant population believes what “everybody knows” are “universal truths”.  This development seems to be a result of changing emphases away from teaching and moving toward “educating” and mass testing.  Doing so resulted in discouraging the development of individuals capable of thought and analysis by diluting the content provided within the education system, ceasing teaching ”how to learn” through objective observation, research and analysis; and diminishing the acquisition of fundamental knowledge of history, geography, art, literature, economics, philosophy, psychology, etc.  Knowledge for the sake of knowledge seems to be no longer a driving force; people today don’t bother to know stuff because they can always look it up - if they’re not in a dead spot.

    Finding things on the internet is reminiscent of the early days of computers when any report printed on greenbar paper was deemed 100% accurate because it came from the computer.

    Posted by Ed456    United States   08/17/2020  at  10:45 AM  

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