Today’s Chess Problem 9/29/11


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 09/29/2011 at 03:25 PM   
  1. Hi Chris, The trouble with the book move of 3.Qf3 Bg4 in your last problem is, as I am sure you know because you already said you thought the book was wrong, that white would do better by playing 3.Qf3c4. And then there is nothing like a quick win that I can find remaining for black.

    This one is much easier because it has a solution and I will hold off on saying anything to give others a chance.  Hope the bank thing got straightened out and in you favor.  Hey --- It could happen.

    Posted by Wes    United States   09/29/2011  at  08:43 PM  

  2. Agreed Wes. Though I think you meant Qb3c4. Can’t get to c4 from f3. It’s kinda fun nuking these ‘book’ answers. Thanks for keeping silent for a bit on today’s problem. Yes, the bank thing got straightened out yesterday.

    Wes, are you a ‘rated’ chess player? If so, what’s your rating? Mine is USCF 1822. I haven’t played in a rated tournament since 2003.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/29/2011  at  08:55 PM  

  3. Notice that Chris did NOT say who the winner is to be. So it can be black’s move, but white’s game.

    Let’s see it Wes, and I hope it’s better than Qa4, Qd1 ... because white’s counter is Rc1 which throws that whole thing into the shitter, leading to a lot of boring moves, and an eventual pile-up in which all the power pieces except the white queen get killed, reducing the game to white going around offing the black pawns, then a whole bunch of pawn advance moves to get promotion and the mate. Which is pretty dull.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/01/2011  at  11:27 AM  

  4. Drew, in problems such as I’m posting, whoever has the move is to win. That’s how problems are promulgated. Doesn’t always work, sometimes some lowly player, me for example, finds a ‘cook’. A ‘cook’ doesn’t necessarily mean a win for the other guy, just that I’ve found a move that throws the whole game into limbo. May the best man win.

    But for future reference: If it’s ‘Black to move’ Black is supposed to win. Ditto if it’s White to move. But, as Wes will tell you, if I think the book is wrong, I’ll say so. Maybe you’ll find a resource I didn’t see.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/01/2011  at  02:09 PM  

  5. Well now, if Black plays 1… Rc5, white is in a jam.  If he plays 2.PxR Qd1 is mate.  If he plays 2.RxR then QxQ gives black a win due to overwhelming force.  Anything else and either white’s Q or R will fall and again black will win by force.

    Posted by Wes    United States   10/01/2011  at  04:29 PM  

  6. Well done Wes. Though I’d wish you’d adhere to strict chess terminology. I held off because you said you had the answer. Thank you. You did have the answer.

    1.… Rc5!

    And White is pretty much lost after that. At best, White will be down Queen for Rook. That’s a ‘won game’ for Black to me.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/01/2011  at  04:40 PM  

  7. What was my chess notation mistake? Leaving of the exclamation mark?  I did learn my terminology, what little I remember 40 years ago.

    I never played a real tournament but came from a chess playing family and did play in college.  Also a few games at the Detroit Chess Club.  I did well enough but the strain was too much, I felt like the old guy in the video, now I look like him.  Anyway I teamed up with the second best bridge player I knew and we both switched to bridge.

    Posted by Wes    United States   10/01/2011  at  06:36 PM  

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