Today’s Chess Problem 9/22/11


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 09/22/2011 at 12:28 PM   
  1. 1b Qxf6 - take the white pawn and threaten the rook in the left corner
    1w Qb2 - move the queen to threaten the black queen and cover the rook

    2b Qh4 - the set up
    2w Rf1 - defensive move to get the rook out of the way

    3b Rd1 - rook slides in to threaten bishop and rook at the same time
    3w Rxd1 - white rook takes black rook

    4b Qf2++ ha ha sucka, fooled ya! Mate.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/22/2011  at  10:25 PM  

  2. Ok, it isn’t instant mate, but it’s the death throes. White will move the king into the corner, then black will move the knight back to f6. White will probably threaten the black queen by moving up the rook to d2, where it is covered by the bishop at c1. Black then drops the other rook to e1 for a final check, which is an abdolute mate.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/22/2011  at  10:31 PM  

  3. We still gotta work on your chess nomenclature Drew.

    However, I did consider your line:

    1. … Qxf6

    But instead of your move: 2. Qb2

    why not 2. Bb2

    Not only does it threaten Black’s Q, it connects White’s Rooks and develops the Bishop. All of your other moves based on disconnected White Rooks are moot.

    Nice try Drew. I do believe Black is winning. I just don’t believe the ‘book’ move is the answer. I’ll also note that Drew didn’t start with the ‘book’ move. Drew’s move is good, but not what is called for. Probably good enough to win… eventually.

    Even if you actually find the ‘book’ move, I’m not convinced there’s a forced win for Black. I’m gonna leave this position for a few more hours in hopes that someone can solve it. I know the ‘book’ solution and I’m not convinced.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/23/2011  at  12:23 PM  

  4. I agree that there is no easy win here.  I have looked the thing over for far too long and the best I see is Nc5 which gives a lot of play for black but nothing certain without some help from white.

    Posted by Wes    United States   09/23/2011  at  09:45 PM  

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