Today’s Chess Problem 10/01/11


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 10/01/2011 at 11:26 AM   
  1. advance the rook, f8 to f4
    white can try to threaten it by moving the bishop, c3 to d2

    bishop takes pawn and thus threatens the queen, c6 to e4
    white figures black has made a foolish move, so takes the bishop with his rook, e1 to e4

    black rook takes white rook, f4 to e4
    white queen takes black rook, d3 to e4

    black queen to f1 for the mate.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/01/2011  at  11:11 AM  

  2. So, in chess terms (we still need to work on your chess nomenclature)

    1. … Rf4
    2. Bd2 Be4
    3. hell, Drew, I lost you. Say what?

    Drew, you’re better than this. I’m not critical of your playing, I’m critical of your typing. Queen goes where? Rook goes where? Who takes what where? I posted a couple of links on algebraic chess notation. It’s really very simple. I even include the chessboard coordinates in my problems.

    Seriously, I can figure out what you said. Others might not. That’s why I’m trying to insist on proper chess notation.

    The main problem is that nope! You’re wrong. But thanks for playing. grin

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/01/2011  at  01:55 PM  

  3. This one is actually kind of easy. White’s Queen is overloaded. White’s Queen has to cover the f1 square to avoid mate. Remember? White’s back rank is weak.

    So the immediate 1.… Bxe4! is called for. This forces the White Queen off that f1 square. (1.Q-any Qf1+ 2. Rxf1 Rxf1 mate) White might play on, but he’ll be down a Queen.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/01/2011  at  02:20 PM  

  4. Since I got here too late to solve this I will pose a question.  Chris, If it were instead white’s move what would you play?

    Posted by Wes    United States   10/01/2011  at  05:03 PM  

  5. I should have asked this in my last comment.  With white to move next who do you think will win?  Will it be easy or hard?

    Posted by Wes    United States   10/01/2011  at  05:26 PM  

  6. Good question Wes. Questions like this is why I post chess problems.

    I’d play 1.d5. That stops all that nasty stuff Black’s Bishop can do. I’ll drop the a4 pawn. But I will not lose soon. Sufficient to win? Meet me at the chessboard and we can work it out. White’s position sucks. Can I eke a draw? Don’t know.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/01/2011  at  05:28 PM  

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