Tips on cannabis being handed out in schools. ("I get high with a little help from my friends")


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/27/2009 at 10:01 AM   
  1. This reminds me of obamas predecessor a certain Mr Ralph Nader, who was the darling of America, managed to kill a bunch of good cars, get a 8 litre caddy lump down to 80 bhp and 4 mpg, etc, etc then came an oil crisis and the populace wake up and he is gone. Good luck guys!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/27/2009  at  10:13 PM  

  2. We are stuck with Fearless Leader for a minimum of 4 years and we’re probably going to have him for 8.  I keep wondering How long it will take for Obama’s followers and a good portion of the world to realize how disastrous these policies will be.  If they don’t wake up, if they believe in 4 years time that all our troubles are still because of GWB, we’re screwed.  In Britain, there just doesn’t seem to be much recognition of how much they’ve lost.  Will the U.S. be next?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/28/2009  at  04:22 AM  

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