Time to Recall Another Rep Or Two


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/13/2020 at 01:03 PM   
  1. There is an article on Harpers - actually a letter - which I agree with a lot said and the primary premise - how to rationally and logically end this violent us v them crap going on. But I did not like the ‘verbal’ slaps in face to right-wing, of course ‘our divisive and anti-Immigrant right wing and President’ and the ever overly inserted ‘democratic’ as the be all end all perfect solution to it all.

    The Left is not always wrong and the right is not always right. The problem is - we’ve devolved into obtuseness, my rights extend to the entire political view of America and anyone who disagrees with me should be silenced (and eventually eliminated). That isn’t how America was, is, and should be. Sad that we managed to make it over 240 years before this crap happened. And one has to ask why?

    For as long as I’ve been ‘political’ - America has been a predominantly Christian as in involved and caring (not completely the Christian religions) Nation. It has also been about even in political stance between right and left. Although earlier more toward the right/conservative with a lot of people (probably) not wanting to be pinned down in some idiotic poll. I’d vote Libertarian - if they would stop pushing legalizing drugs and run some sane candidates. That is how un-conservative I am. Because I’ve read the Constitution and I believe that we have a trillion too many laws as it is. I think all laws need to have a sunset. I think every spending law - needs to be stand alone and voted upon every single year. And such nonsense as base line budgeting and Defense made discretionary and welfare made Mandatory be obliterated for ever. And what’s good for the goose (Presidential Term Limits) must be good for the ganders (Congress) and the activists (the Judges - Supreme Court and other Courts).

    Trump is the obvious result of Obama. And the Media is 99.99999% the reason for both. They sat back and said almost nothing of the corruption, suspect behaviors of the Obama Administration and lie, distort and malign everything of the Trump Administration. Neither is solely the truth. Although I believe that the Obama Administration and Congressional Republicans are many times more corrupt than Trump is stupid or divisive or racist or anti-Immigrant.

    November should be interesting. But I suspect - it won’t turn out to be a democratic landslide in anywhere but NY and CA. Too many Americans are tired of the crap. And contrary to what the DNC promotes - most of their activists (lowest level) and riot soldiers - aren’t even registered to vote or bother. I’ve heard it too many times from that kind of person - they don’t want the man to be able to ‘follow’ them.

    Which is why they cheat so much. I think most people in America know that Mob rule doesn’t bode well for anyone other than those in power behind the mob. 

    And that’s not America in any sense of the word or meaning. Ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/14/2020  at  09:52 AM  

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