Thought Crimes In Academia


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/16/2007 at 09:50 AM   
  1. Hamhanded at Hamline. Nothing new, its an ultra liberal school and always has been.

    Posted by Jeremy    United States   10/16/2007  at  09:19 AM  

  2. United Methodist Church is the parent organization of the school. The United Methodist Church was the principle founder of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV). The CSGV, was originally formed in 1975 as the National Coalition to Ban Handguns. Why would you want to go to school there?  I would not give them a penny, and I sure would not want to be indoctrinated in their world view for four years.

    Posted by JimT    United States   10/16/2007  at  09:43 AM  

  3. Disgusting.

    As Oscar Wilde said, “Those who can, do, those who can’t, teach.” This has been extended to “Those who can’t teach, legislate”, but I digress.

    What is it going to take to get the choking liberal hands from the throat of American society?  This twit Sickbert - and if that’s not an appropriate name - is threatened by Mr. Sheffler because Sheffler recognizes the inadequacy of the concealed weapons ban and the incompetence of Sickbert, et al.  I suppose that recognition is threatening to a liberal.

    The reality of this is since the school is privately funded, as long as liberals, leftists and others opposed to the freedoms of the United States, Sickbert will be allowed to pursue his goal of being a complete and utter ass.

    Posted by Archie    United States   10/16/2007  at  09:43 AM  

  4. I’d say do your research and analysis before reacting. The kid’s emails are here and here.

    I’m reading them and trying to balance, on the one hand, my assumption that the university is strongly left leaning and PC-neurotically overreactive to perceived threats, especially right after the VA Tech shootings, against the excitability and sarcastic sullenness of a teenager.

    Here are some quotes from his emails, followed by likely University Thoughts:

    Considering this university also pushes “diversity” initiatives like VA Tech, maybe its “leadership” will reconsider its ban on conceal carry law abiding gun owners…

    Note the sarcastic use of scare quotes. Typical derisive teen?

    accoriding to the university president that there were recently serious “hate crimes” that were committed in the womens bathrooms; there may be people on the edge ready to snap. I cant say I blame them,

    Alarm bell time? Is this kid ready to snap too??

    I myself am tired of having to pay my own extremely overpriced tuition to make up for minorities not paying theirs. On top of that, I am sick of seeing them held to a different standard than the white students (Of course its a lower and more lenient standard).

    Oh by the way, when is your “diversity” department going to include European ancestry?

    Aw shit, do we have a KKKlucker/militia neo-nazi attending classes here? And now he wants a gun?

    I on the other hand would argue that the guy wouldnt have even attempted this atrocity not only if we didnt pay for everybody and their mother to come here for free to soak up tuition funds but also that by knowing law abiding citizens carried weapons to defend themselves that criminals wouldnt be so bold to commit crimes against them…

    Pro-guns and anti-diversity. This is not looking good.

    For a “Christian” university, I am very disappointed in Hamline. With the motif of the curriculum, the atheist professors, jewish and other non-Christian staff, I would charge the school with wanton misrepresentation.

    So he’s also one of those scary Christians? And obviously anti-Semetic.

    Furthermore, why are you diversity initiatives anti-Euro American (ie white folks)?

    It took me complaining to a few different people before even the hamline website finally included white people in the random pictures on the main page. If I remember corrextly it was like 1 white in a picture out of like 12… Now it is obviously better but just goes to show how biased this university is and the painstaking efforts of diversity pandering it does at the expense of people that are actually planning on contributing back to the TAXPAYERS that are footing the bill for your iversity initiatives. In fact, 3 out of 3 students just in my class that are “minorities” are planning on returning to Africa and all 3 are getting a free education ON MY DOLLAR.

    Obvious White Supremacist?

    Maybe you can instruct your staff on sensitivity training towards us “privilaged white folk”.

    Maybe we should get this kid a nice white canvas jacket with really really long sleeves and extra straps to go along with his white pointy hood.

    It looks to me like the young man dashed off a couple emails before really getting his thoughts together. (Note the poor spelling, missed characters, and grammatical errors. Signs of hurry ... either he was very upset or he’s very unstable? Or that may be typical student writing these days, but he popped the Send button without even running the spellchecker.)


    Hamline specializes in Liberal Arts, Education, Law, and Management. Left, Left, Left, and Elitism. It’s a dinky little school up in St Paul Minnesota.

    I think the better course of action would be for both this student and the faculty to just calm down and “open a discussion”. Not that anything will come of it; no way Hamline is going to change policy and let this kid CCW on campus. Minnesota is a Shall Issue state, so any non-criminal citizen can get the permit.

    I feel for the kid, I really do. I know just how much it sucks to be a white male student not on financial aid at college these days. You spend 4 years being beaten down for your “cultural crimes” by every other kind of student. And it’s even worse if you are a Conservative or a Christian with strong faith. Even up in it-don’t-get-no-whiter-than Minnesota. You are assumed guilty and punished accordingly.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/16/2007  at  10:18 AM  

  5. As long as Hamline is privately funded, more power to them.  Kid should vote with his feet and take his tuition elsewhere if he does not like the policy. As long as private liberal schools behave this way, they will be easier targets than the places my kids go. Remember, I don’t have to run faster than the bear…

    Posted by JimT    United States   10/16/2007  at  01:24 PM  

  6. Drew, I’d say your estimation that he was merely fed up to the teeth is correct. But is this not perhaps indicative of the general feeling, and could this not lead to additional disgruntlement within the general public?

    Jim, absolutely correct. Don’t gotta run faster than the bear, just faster than you. The problem with that statement being that there ARE entirely too many educational domains being funded by the public coffers. Even if many do find a more acceptable school, there will always be these liberal schools sucking up OUR money. Until we can remove the liberal influence, and insist on value for money in education, we will continue to have persons reacting such as this.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/16/2007  at  02:52 PM  

  7. My God - he was pretty definite in his opinions, but where does any of it rise to the level of threat?  He’s also obviously unhappy with with several things about life at Hamline U, but again, where’s the threat?  What he had to say was little different than much of what I’ve read here and elsewhere and some of it is very similar to things I’ve said!  The last thing I will ever consider myself to be is a violent racist.  That sort of thing just isn’t part of my makeup.

    Kudos to President Linda Hanson for being willing to sit with Troy Scheffler and discuss the situation and shame on V.P. David Stern for preempting Ms. Hanson’s initiative.  Anyone want to guess what kind of politics are going on between the two offices?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/16/2007  at  07:31 PM  

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