This Quacks Me Up


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/07/2011 at 07:46 PM   
  1. Ha, ironically, the exact same incident occurred in my employer’s parking lot!  Small pond with ducks, momma duck lost about 6 of them right into the storm drain. Momma threw a fit and caused a big stir with the smokers outside the building.  The women were running around trying to find the guy whose pickup was parked over the grate. “Oh, poor poor cute little ducklings...” Finally, he moved his truck and animal control showed up. The rescued ducklings were taken to the animal shelter to be checked out by a vet.  The mother had caused quite a ruckas for about an hour and then gave up and took off.  Or all the humans around spooked her.  Don’t know if they’ll ever be united, not even sure Mamma would acknowledge them any more after a period of time and after being “contaminated” by human scent. 

    Ducklings follow the leader, Momma stepped over the grate but the ducklings are small enough to fall through and like lemmings one after the other they dropped in the hole!

    Posted by MJS    United States   07/14/2011  at  07:01 AM  

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