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Posted by Christopher    United States   on 10/10/2010 at 08:47 AM   
  1. I don’t know which is more sickening - what this assclown is and what he has done, or the suicidal stupidity of the braindead masses for electing him, when tens of thousands of us screamed ourselves hoarse telling them the truth that they would not listen to.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/10/2010  at  12:44 PM  

  2. Take heart Drew,

    I’m a TEA party person. Not really a political party, we’re Taxed Enough Already. (TEA)

    We’re pissed at endless Democrat spending. Remember, we basically fired the Republicans for their spending in 2006.

    Could we just get some adults to control the checkbook? Could you do what the Dems have done?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/10/2010  at  03:29 PM  

  3. Drew - Yes there is a percentage of the brain dead - and the white guiltists who voted for this assclown - but I truly believe that the only way he got the ‘win’ was by ACORN & NBPP cheating.

    Look at how the clown Franken got in - any other time - ballots ‘found’ in the back seat of a car days later wouldn’t be counted and the fact that in a couple of places - more people voted than were registered to vote - If that isn’t cheating - I don’t know what is.

    So like his forcing thru of Obamacare - the other day I said his legacy will be failure - but I forgot one other thing - his legacy will be one of the absolute corruption of the political/electoral system in America and just how much a politician, those surrounding him and the msm can and do lie to get through their agenda.

    Yes, Christopher - the TEA Party has centralized and crystallized the essence of what is wrong in DC as the Republicans have failed to do in decades (as they are part of the problem) - but more than that - We The People have come to realize that WE need to take back our country before there is no country to take back. My hubby & I are ‘discussing’ issues - but I still maintain - if there is no country - then gun control, higher taxes or abortion funding are moot. And right now - even above the economy - We The People need to Take Back America - and then work on individual issues.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/11/2010  at  08:23 AM  

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