Things could be worse. We could be Norway.  And there’s no place to hide


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/22/2010 at 10:32 AM   
  1. Once upon a timeā€¦

    Don’t you love fairy tales? Yet in this instance it’s true. Once upon a time the USA was a ‘melting pot’. We took in all comers; black, white, asian, hispanic, German, Italian, Jew, WASP, we took ‘em all.

    But back then, we insisted on them becoming Americans.

    Learn to speak English

    Learn American history.

    Work hard

    Keep the results of your labors

    Worship at the church of your choosing.

    And most importantly, mind your own business!

    Sadly, the melting pot is long gone. We no longer assimilate immigrants. Multi-culturalism is in vogue. Your culture, the one you fled from, is as good as the American culture. So now you can come here and recreate the hell you fled from.

    Sadly peiper, we ARE Norway.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/22/2010  at  11:36 AM  

  2. can you stop putting spot on posts chris ?  LOL

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   03/23/2010  at  10:05 AM  

  3. as in my thoughts exactly, not happy that the country they fled to is bending over backwards to help them, but then insist on bringing the shit with them, wot happened to the saying “when in Rome do as the Romans do”?

    Posted by bulldog    United Kingdom   03/23/2010  at  10:10 AM  

  4. Which would be, “put them all to the sword, burn down the village, and then salt the earth” right Bulldog?

    It’s tempting.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/23/2010  at  03:40 PM  

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