They Are All Liars


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/26/2014 at 11:03 PM   
  1. I told my hubby he should contact the DOJ or Issa and tell them that he knows how to get the emails et al for a price. But hey you know as well as I - there are millions who know how to get to that stuff.

    It is (to a degree) the people - but it is because these corrupt lying congresscritters - make the amoral and stupid sheeple feel superior.

    It is because our 30 to 60 minute tv culture which became Pop Culture and then Cult of Personality (do anything for 15 minutes of fame) - became Internet Instant. No one reads anymore, no one buys books anymore and now thanks to Common core - no one will learn to write anymore.

    It is the true dumbing down of people - so that crap like this can happen.

    Much like - the ‘law of the land’ bs. Slavery was legal - until it wasn’t. But how many sheeple in America know that Congress banned the Importation of Slaves in 1809 - just a mere 21 years after ratification of the Constitution and 52 years before the Civil War? How many sheeple know that Prohibition was ‘found’ to be Constitutional (actually a Constitutional Amendment) before it wasn’t? How many sheeple know that Defense of America is specifically stated in the Constitution - but the ‘do all for all’ - general welfare clause is written Congress shall promote the general welfare?

    Ignorance can be fixed - but the need for tyrannical control freaks to have truly stupid sheeple, is why the Dems took over Education in 1979 - to keep and ensure that the sheeple stay stupid. They certainly have done nothing to improve America’s educational status in the World, improved inner city schools or even equalize education throughout the Nation. Other than dumb it down and promote stupid social engineering concepts over real world educational needs.

    And our greatest enemy in the World today also thrives on 3rd century ingorance, stupidity and hate. It’s no wonder that the Dems love them so much - I believe that the Dems are stupid enough to see themselves as the Master and the radical extremists who happen to be islamic as their ‘armed forces’.

    That would be a hoot to watch - except that like all things left/islamic - millions of innocents would be killed.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/27/2014  at  08:56 AM  

  2. Ya, what she said.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   08/27/2014  at  01:58 PM  

  3. The bureaucrats are merely adapting and surviving, building their empires based on transient nature of politicians seeking power and wealth using:

    The New Commandments for Successful Politicians:
    1. Rely on people believing (a) the title of a law regardless of what’s in the law and (b) the law is the ideal solution and works perfectly.
    2. Rely on people not comprehending the size of a billion (~$3.20/per person) or trillion (~$3,200.00/per person) or realizing the 1,000 times difference.
    3. Reduce everything to a slogan.
    4. Change education to superficially teach logic, math, literature, history and science.
    5. Deny all absolutes - all statements & conditions are relative and subjective.
    6. Use terms that allow the listeners/readers to interpret/understand that which is most favorable or comfortable for them.  Good ones are: “diversity”, “fairness”, “affordable”, “change”, “inequity”, “greedy”, “poverty”, “middle class”, “rich”.
    7. Convince the majority that trying hard and meaning well is much better and more admirable than actually doing what you said you would do.
    8. Rely on people thinking they don’t understand the entirety of what you’re saying rather than thinking you are talking irrationally or are living in some other reality.
    9. Dismiss any unwanted but otherwise appropriate question as a nothing but logistical details and/or mere formalities.
    10. The prime (only) responsibility is to get re-elected.

    They also assume that even if Republicans are elected they’ll be too busy dealing with major problems; they won’t have time to deal with bureaucratic process and mindset especially with the difficulties surrounding firing government employees.

    Posted by Ed456    United States   08/28/2014  at  10:48 AM  

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