these lives don’t matter


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/11/2016 at 10:21 PM   
  1. Its what they do. The funny part is some negro shot at the fire department so now they will not respond to the hood until the police secure the area.  You can now say burned to the ground before the fire dept gets there.  The neighborhoods were once vibrant but many years of democrat rule and negroes turned it into a bombed out warzone. You made the bed, live in it. It is funny to watch the democraps ignore this black on black violence because they have had a hand in creating it. If you look at the FBI crime statistics the US is the safest place on the planet if we did not have the ‘N’ word problem.

    Posted by StephanA    Unknown   07/12/2016  at  10:16 AM  

  2. Umm - here is some hints - just from what I read in the Sun article: 1) NO mention of Scofield’s father. At. All. 2) Grandma keeping/raising granddaughter - again - no mention of the child’s mother nor of Scofield’s wife grieving him. And 3) a ‘devoted’ father of two out at 1AM (without the mandatory - returning home from work - to prove he was a ‘good’ guy) makes one wonder what he was out doing at that hour.

    Until the black community deals with their broken homes and very, very angry male children who develop a love/hate relationship with their mother/grandma who raises them and a definite hate/hate relationship with their absent father. [See our current (p)Resident for a PRIME example of the destructive behavior of an abandoned black male child] Until Education is pushed from toddlerhood to college graduation from everyone in the community. And until the community itself rises up and informs the police on the drug dealers, thieves and illegal gun felons - nothing is going to improve at all.

    And inside that community - It’s NO ONE ELSE’S FAULT BUT THEIR OWN.

    But first sanity and common sense has to return. I watch The First 48 - and in one a 16 year old was gunned down outside the fence of his yard. Both his Mom and sister were going on and on about how ‘he had been in some trouble’ but was back in school and turning his life around. Meanwhile, when the police turned over his dead body, he had a revolver stuffed in his pants. A FELONY in all 50 states! That is NOT turning one’s life around - if he had even one serious arrest - he should have been in jail for at least a decade on that one count alone.

    Until people get - that this is not about race but about behaviors and that their caviler approach to families, children and utter disregard for marriage - it’s not going to get better but rather much worse. They have tolerated their neighborhood’s disintegration into criminal war zones and then blame everything and everyone else but themselves.

    And finally: 93% of black gun homicides are committed by other blacks. A higher percentage of whites and hispanics are killed by the police than blacks are. And on abortion - 35% of all US abortions are black babies (yet they are only 12% of the total population). You blacks are actually killing yourselves more than the police or whites have EVER DONE.

    It’s not my fault - live worse than animals - and don’t expect to live like me. At. All. Not even for a second.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/12/2016  at  10:26 AM  

  3. Yeah wardmama, animals live better than most of them.  I like watching the first 48 also.  One of the cases from a few years back, a 16 year old got life in prison for killing a guy for looking at him.  It went all the way to the supreme court that you can not give a juvenile a life in prison without parole sentence.  So the judge got creative, had him plea guilty on some other charge and sentenced him to two 60 year sentences to be served one after the other. By Texas law you have to serve at leas 3/4 of the sentence to be eligible for parole, so he will be able to be paroled when he is 107.  The libtards on the court didn’t like it but the judge did what he was told, and kept the worthless trash off of the streets.

    Posted by StephanA    Unknown   07/12/2016  at  10:58 AM  

  4. The only people who are actually trying to help these niggers are those they despise the most and blame for their lot in life.  Democrats have consistently kept these people exactly where they are....dependent on the govt, which means constant loyalty in the form of votes.  Yet 5 years and some 3-4 (or maybe 5 generations later, seeing as they breed like roaches), there is no improvement.  When will they turn on their democrat masters and say enough?  When will they let republicans come in and provide growth, jobs, and better living.  Sadly, they never will, because the one thing that republicans require in return is work and responsibility...two ethics that have sadly been bred out of these people. 

    And then there are the cops.  I am a former police officer, and I worked the hood many years.  I was not trained to hate blacks or look for any reason to kill them.  My job was to protect people and rid their neighborhood of crime.  Yet I can not even begin to tell you the number of times I would do my job, and say walk up to a known drug dealers and in moments, dozens of people would come out of their homes, people of all ages, and who did not even know this hoodlum, tell me to leave dat boy alone, he dint do nuffin wrong.  They have no idea who this scumbag is, but they choose to protect him and hate me.  I have had chases where the bad guy runs into the nearest home he finds, and the homeowners will cover for him. 

    No I have to ask, how can police rid the neighborhood of drugs, which is the root a much of the crime that occurs, if they do not get the cooperation of the citizens.  To be successful, the citizens need to work with the police.  After a while, like so many of the officers before me, I too quit trying to make their neighborhood a better place.  All my efforts got me was a lot of work with little result, IA complaints of racism, lots of paperwork.  After a while, I did the minimum there, and put my efforts in places where I could see positive results.  How long can someone bang their head against a wall before they realize it isn’t going to move? 

    These people are truly their own worst enemy.  And the one thing they do NOT want, is an end to the accusations of racism.  Imagine if every black person woke up tomorrow and was white.  What excuse would they use then, when asked why they are still prosperous.  Then, they would have to admit that it is not racism, but their own lack of responsibility and laziness that is the reason their lives are so horrible. 

    But in the mean time, it’s easier to blame everything but themselves.  Slavery, racist cops, racist judicial system, racist teachers, racist employers. 

    Well, I am sure I am not alone when I say I am SICK of hearing about racism this and that.  Yeah yeah yeah, I get, the world is racist.  There was a big huge meeting where all whites got together and said we are going to make it our life’s work to destroy the black man. As if we had that kind of time and effort to waste. 

    When life if tough for all people, it’s called life.  Life if hard.  Nothing is easy and success takes lots of effort, and even then, there are no guarantees.  But when life is tough for someone who is black, well that’s racism at work. 

    Get over yourselves.  The truth is, we really don’t care all that much about you people.  All the racism you see is in your own eyes and from your own actions.  People don’t dislike you because you are black, they despise you because of your attitude.  The reason you have come up with micro aggressions and supposed “code words” for racism is because in truth, racism on the part of white people is pretty much a non-issue.  There are just plain not that many white people who care to join the KKK and spend time and money on hating you.  If you want to see real racism however, look in the mirror.  You hate white people without reason.  And if NOT voting for a president because his skin is dark is racist, than voting for him for the same reason is also racist.  So, who are the real racists here.  Whites aren’t clamoring for an all white oscar ceremony, or getting upset and making a scene when a non-white wins.  We don’t have our own TV station, congressional caucus, black scholarships, or NAACP, and so on.  It we even think of doing something like taking pride in our white history, we are labelled.  But you people have no issue in segregating yourselves and forming groups and clubs where whitey is not permitted.  If things were reversed you would have a conniption.  So don’t lecture me.  Especially when despite all of that and more where you are handed every advantage, you still seem to excel only when it comes to committing violent crimes and prison populations.  We are so desperate for you people to quit being the savages you are, that we give you preferential treatment when it comes to being hired for jobs, promotions, small business loans and contracting, and so on, all to the detriment of white people who are better suited and more qualified.  But you fail to take advantage of any of this.  And you still claim it’s not enough and you need more and more. 

    You whine and tell us how your youth are afraid when they see police officers, and that is why they run.  Well, let me tell you about how we white people feel when we see a gang of black thugs on the sidewalk acting the fool, coming toward us.  We cross the street, not because we are racist, but because we don’t want to be a victim.  Somehow, you have justified terrorizing innocent white people because your life is hard.  Why should my grandmother be afraid to walk down her block to the corner store?  The police reports of what gangs of black men do is not a joke, nor are they infrequent. 

    You want reparations for something no one alive has done to anyone who is alive now.  And if you got it, what would you do with it?  Would you fix up your neighborhoods?  Would you send you kids to college?  Would you use it to better yourselves and get off welfare?  Because if you can promise me you would do any of those things, I would be a huge proponent of giving it to you.  But nope, you would use this money for drugs, bigger wheels for your cars, louder stereos, and gucci seat covers.  Tell me I’m wrong. 

    You people are not ready to join civilized society.  Yet I have a govt using my tax dollars to bus you into my neighborhood to schools where my kids should be going.  And instead, my kids are bussed into schools where they are the minority and get their asses beat up because they are white.  To be taught by teachers who have given up long ago, in schools that are more concerned about security and keeping the kids alive then they are with actual education.  There is a reason whites do not want you moving into their neighborhoods.  We like clean yards, and safe streets.  But as soon as you come in, instead of taking pride in the opportunity, you shit on it.  The lawns go to hell with all the cars parked on it.  Young able bodies black men lined up on the porch with nothing to do but drugs and loud rap music all day.  And when funds become low, you break in to your neighbors home to take his stuff so you can fund you delinquent lifestyles.  And you do it because you are too damn lazy to at least go to the next neighborhood over when you rob and steal.

    And now I will be labelled a racist.  I am not a racist, I am a realist.  What I say is not made up, but back up by real statistics.  I would love if you could prove me wrong, and would gladly admit so if you could show me the error in my math.  But you can’t.  Instead, you will yell racism, and then go on a looting and arson spree in the name of peace.  You will kill innocent white cops for no other reason than the color of their skin, all in the name of racism against YOU. 

    A smart man told me once that I am to judge a person not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character.  I have done this.  And sadly, I find the content of character in a certain people with different melanin than me, and it’s racism?  I didn’t make you black.  I didn’t force you to commit crime, do drugs, rob and steal, and have many children with different women, but somehow I am responsible for all of it.

    Well, the hell with you. And now, it’s personal.  You came after me and mine.  You targeted and killed, for NO REASON, my fellow brothers who I share a skin color and a uniform color...white and blue (and green). 

    The only thing that has saved you so far, was a govt in need of your vote, and the guilty consciousness of white liberals.  Well, the times they are a changin.  We have a president coming who is guilted by the black disaster you have caused yourselves.  Nor does he give a shit about your vote.  We have 87% of a population is is tired of carrying your asses with not gratitude.  And we are not going to put up with uppity black people who think they can kill us wholesale without any repercussions.  The time for cowboys and niggers is coming.  You need to police yourselves and join us in civil and polite society.  Because if you don’t, well, we just might figure out that our world will be better without you.  And you don’t want that.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/13/2016  at  10:56 AM  

  5. I sometimes wonder if it would be easier and cheaper in the long run to spend a few billion on tarting up West Africa and a few more billion to offer these people the chance to go back to their roots. They clearly have a problem with our society so maybe they would be better off carving out their own society? Sadly you can see where this would end. You only have to look at Zimbabwe to see what happens when whitey is taken out of the picture.

    Of course its not all about race I read this today

    You really cannot help some people, they are just stuck on stupid.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/13/2016  at  11:42 AM  

  6. Great link to the article.  I guess she died from her beliefs.  These people make the mistake of thinking that these scumbags think like they do.  These criminals do not RESPECT them for their kindness...they think they are stupid,and need to be taken advantage of.  They don’t come here and suddenly change who they are.  They just have a fresh batch of victims.  Victims who refuse to fight back and give them every opportunity to take advantage of them.  It’s all just a new hunting ground for them...that is all.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   07/13/2016  at  11:52 AM  

  7. Well said sdkar and that was a great essay btw. I also thank you for putting your life on the line to protect your fellow citizens in your former occupation. It had to be pretty soul destroying at times dealing with dross like that. I saw this earlier and thought of your comments....Black lives matter - fewer blacks, less crime. (sad but true)

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   07/13/2016  at  02:26 PM  

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