There’s a radio program here in the UK called Any Answers.  It follows Any Questions. I have one.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/14/2010 at 10:29 AM   
  1. File a noise complaint with your police dept.  Hopefully the barkmonster will still be barking when he shows up.  After three reports by the police, you get to file a nuisance complaint and more than likely, the dog owner will have to take active measures to silence his dog or will be ordered to give up the dog. 

    I know this sounds stupid, but it does work.  I used to be a police officer and I can tell you I filed dozens of reports from neighbors on just this exact thing.  The complainant would call after 11pm and sure enough I would hear the dog as well and write it up.  It was a quick easy report, and I would give the case number to the complainant.  I would even go to the house that the dog lived at and wake the owner up and tell him why I’m there.  I would get tons of excuses, but I would tell them simply to take care of it or the law will.  Usually one visit would work.  But, for the true dog barking deniers, extra steps were needed.  Once a judge gets involved, it starts costing the dogowner time and money and he will keep paying and be brought back into court until he either shuts the dog up or faces contempt charges...which means he gets to go to jail. 

    This is the legal and correct process and though it requires some effort, time and a few dollars on your part, it will work.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   10/14/2010  at  11:23 AM  

  2. Thanks much .. that is appreciated.
    I’ve run into the problem in the past where as luck would have it, all was silent. This is one of those little mutts, usually they don’t leave it out but every time it comes out it’s bark,bark bark for a minute or less. That doesn’t sound like much but several times a day and at night well .... And it isn’t like a large dog bark. It’s those damn hi-pitch squawk/barks.  Gee, when I was growing up in another world far different from this one, we were always cautioned to have fun, play with our dogs (and we had em) but we were told not to annoy our neighbors. Now a days, ppl seem to take things for granted.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/14/2010  at  11:48 AM  

  3. oh I forgot to mention ... it was out and barking it’s head off for 40 minutes straight today, and there wasn’t anyone home. So we had to endure, my wife didn’t like my lead pipe to the head

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/14/2010  at  11:50 AM  

  4. Very permanent:

    Anti-freeze: a permanent solution.

    Poisoned meat: also permanent.  Get a poison that builds gradually.  Means you’ll have to endure the barking a while longer.

    Not so permanent but a behavior modifier:

    A pellet pistol.  Not a real gun but close...and available in the UK.  Shot from inside the house it’s virtually silent.  Get one with variable power settings.  Set it to sting like hell but not penetrate the skin.  Practice first to get your range.  Have fun!

    Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   10/14/2010  at  11:53 AM  

  5. Howdy Howler .. have odd set up. Might have to email a photo if I can get one. There isn’t any clear line, can’t see into front yard much and not where the monster is perhaps tied. One of those, hear it but can’t see it.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/14/2010  at  12:18 PM  

  6. Thats funny Howler as that was the method my older brother used 10 years ago to rid himself of 5 crapping in the flower box cats.Set the bowl of green love next to the box and a week later the catloving owner knocked to ask if he knew anything about dead cats.
    ‘Its a mystery to me’ he said.
    As to our hypothetical, meatballs of love are best as rarely do folks do autopsies on pets.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/14/2010  at  06:16 PM  

  7. I did want to mention that the Bestest way to get even with the deaf neighbor is to use a very strong laxative in the meatballs so the owner gets a serious taste of annoying puppy habits.
    Hell, they may even send the mutt to the shelter if it becomes a seemingly permanent habit,,,,LOL

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/14/2010  at  06:23 PM  

  8. The air pistol solution is one way to do it but given this is the UK it is potentially risky. Antifreeze would work but again if the RSPCA get wind of it you will be in for a shit storm. Realistically the best option is to keep a log of the noise. Contact your local council and speak to the environmental health officer. The police are powerless in this situation but the council can take enforcement action. Even as far as giving the owner an ASBO (anti social behaviour order) if the dog/owner violates it they can end up in court. It sounds a bit of a panty waist solution but trust me it works. However your neighbour is unlikely to speak to you in future.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   10/14/2010  at  06:43 PM  

  9. I guess if the garden hose won’t spray that far, then keep a logbook. Make recordings. Call the worthless local council every hour every time the dog barks. Have THEM keep a log of it.

    After a couple weeks of this, they’ll be acting for you, just to get you to stop calling them!

    Or you could sneak over there, wearing gloves, and untie the dog. Unhook his collar. Oops, doggy got loose. Bring a bit of lunch meat or cheese and he’ll be your pal. He may or may not run away, but that will usually get them to stop barking. I think they bark because they’re lonely and bored, and being tied up, they can’t go off and do any cool doggy stuff. A free range dog may not bark. Or at least stay in the yard and bark.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/14/2010  at  09:02 PM  

  10. Someone I knew well tried all the usual inducements - discussion, formal complaint, etc and got nowhere. Because that someone had already “gone on record” as having issues with the owner’s dog and would be a suspect if anything terrible happened, he didn’t feel he could get away with taking the law into his own hands.

    So he simply had a friend deliver a laced meal (half-dozen ground-up prescription painkillers in food, I think) to the barker one night while my friend was out of town.

    He came home to a silent neighborhood.

    Like they say, a friend will help you move: a good friend will help you move the body.

    Posted by ooGcM taobmaetS    United States   10/14/2010  at  09:27 PM  

  11. Check out  It has a variety of legal and non-lethal suggestions. May not be as satisfying or efficient as guns, lead pipes, anti-freeze, etc., but will not get you in near as much trouble.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   10/14/2010  at  10:34 PM  

  12. I do like the laxatives in the meat.  However, if the dog keeps crapping all the time, chances are the dog will be thrown outside even more...thus more yapping and yipping.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   10/14/2010  at  10:35 PM  

  13. We have the exact same thing - times 3. Two of the dogs would probably not be that bad - as when I talk to them, they calm down and start wagging their tails - it is the 3rd a young male dog who is absolutely - hell. My daughter wants to kill him as does my husband. There are moments when I too think death would be better than what we have to live through.

    They are across the street - the problem started last fall when 2 things happened - they had a baby - zingo doggies went out into the back yard on permanent exile and he (for some stupid reason) got the damn young brown crazy dog.

    They are a very nice couple but I think that the dogs issue is their way of dealing with their neighbors. The west side are a nice couple but for some reason they have a basketball hoop in their backyard (the only child they have is an adult daughter (now living w/them w/her two babies)) and every wanna be Shaq and teen scum hangs there (probably tormenting the dogs - which has upped the ante) and the neighbors on the other side - well they make the Shaq wanna be’s and teen scum look like pillars of the community (the entire family) - we had to file a complaint about a car left in front of our house for almost a year that never moved (when they have a two car garage and corresponding driveway). And we won’t even go into the damage their son has done at our place - not horrid but one little malicious thing after another. And their dog routinely gets out and terrorizes the neighborhood (sadly I only manage to see it as one of them is dragging it home).

    I have (a nano-second only) thought of offering to take the brown crazy dog to our back yard - simply to keep the vermin out - but since our garden failed this summer - thought better of it.

    I talk to them (the dogs) because it has gotten so bad, if any of us even walk out of the door - they start barking. I’ve seen workers attempting to talk them down out of their frenzy.

    I have no clue as to whether anyone has filed a complaint - as they are nice people and indeed they are sooooo much better than the Welfare mom & her nasty spawn that used to live there.

    I shall go to site CenTexTim posted and see if it produces something. And the sad thing is I’m a dog lover - but the noise is driving us nuts.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/15/2010  at  07:48 AM  

  14. Cen-tex,
    Thanks for the link. Will read.  Glad we don’t have Wardmom’s problem. I guess we’re luck at that. 
    Will play by ear, no pun intended.  One of the little problems we’re gonna have is, when we come to finally sell this place, we are going to have to note if we’ve had any arguments with our neighbor. So far we haven’t had any. 

    There are two other families on the street where the subject of this new neighbor’s dog has come up. They aren’t too happy either. But they don’t want to get into a situation where there’s ill feelings etc.  And so of course that only insure the problem will continue.

    For awhile. A short while.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/15/2010  at  10:52 AM  

  15. What about a good pair of noise canceling headphones?

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   10/16/2010  at  05:14 PM  

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