the west continues to see no evil as Wilders goes on trial, meanwhile we have a high alert in effect


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/04/2010 at 05:26 AM   
  1. All of the above, agreed. Whyever should anyone be judgmental of such obviously sweet and forgiving people?

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/04/2010  at  07:03 AM  

  2. I understand the OneGlowBallWorld bs as it is part of the Armageddon scenario - but reality is reality - to claim that people who parade around in these countries with ‘Behead those who insult islam’ posters - makes one wonder how anyone can legislate in their favor - against their own citizens and centuries of behavior - is beyond me.

    Wish that you could be the US - John Hagee was sued for using the word islamofacist on his Cornerstone (church service) which is broadcast on cable - said, yes it costs lots of money but I have news for everyone - I will not shut up. And on the same show, Pastor Hagee showed the cover of Time with the Afghan girl whose nose was cut off - and asked where were all the feminists group speaking up on such a barbaric act. And he talked about how Hasan was able to stay in the Army - how disgraceful it was that his superiors felt intimidated and silenced. While most people won’t see it - I am glad that someone in America speaks up on this crappola.

    Glenn Beck had Dinesh D’Souza on last week - Wed & Thur - about his new book - The Roots of Obama’s Rage - interesting stuff. As I said good to see that people are speaking up.

    Velma Hart - may have been a plant - but Obama’s non-answer to her (he actually laughed) made him look bad and weak. He could have knocked that out of the park - but we know, if he isn’t scripted he ends up looking and sounding like an ass - but I have to admit - that I am really glad that it happened at one of his events where you know everyone was screened to get in.

    And this is why the US won’t end up like the EU - We are ok with you living like you do - but don’t you even think of forcing me to live like you do (or believe or speak). We will fight until the end to stop that shit.

    God Help America - and Geert Wilders
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/04/2010  at  07:27 AM  

  3. The way I see it Geert Wilders couldn’t buy this kind of publicity. The prosecution is a pointless exercise designed to appease people who can never be appeased. It will fail because they are (once again) claiming islam is a race rather than what it really is a death cult.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   10/04/2010  at  09:31 AM  

  4. Wardmom, yeah. Sorry state for sure.  Bothers me no end that we have ppl on both sides of the atlantic that continue to make the same sorry old excuses and want us all to hold hands and all be friends. Yeah,right.

    Further to your point and CmBlake ... reminds me I need to look up the story if still on line. Police have broken up some sort of arrangement authored by two women with regard to arranged marriages.  One of the girls was only nine. My gosh. 9. The paper did not mention religion. Surprise. But we know.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/04/2010  at  09:34 AM  

  5. Hey Lyndon .... Good to see you here now it’s safe. lol.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/04/2010  at  11:06 AM  

  6. JayD. He will be back, he can’t help himself. All part of the obsessive compulsive thing.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   10/04/2010  at  09:10 PM  

  7. Peiper - The US isn’t far behind, some 6th grader in Vermint, oh sorry Vermont wants to be accommodated as a ‘transgender’ - so once again - the minority is attempting to shove their ‘behavior’ masquerading as a ‘genetic trait’ on the majority of the country. Sooo sadly there are parts of the US who aren’t far behind the UK - it will be interesting to see if We The People continue to let the social engineering morons rule the country.

    According to some polls I’ve seen this AM - not quite - In CO - the race for GOV is between a Dem, a Repub and Tom Tancredo who is beating the heck out of Maes (R) (who is in 3rd place) and here in my District the (R) Candidate for Rep is destroying the idiot Dem freshman who lied to get elected, lied about voting for Obamacare and hasn’t had an open Townhall (he’s even stopped the ‘invited’ events and has gone to phone interviews) in an age by a wide margin.

    We shall see. But being a Poll Worker - I have seen enough primary and mid-term elections to know that they have a poor turnout by the very type of voter who votes Dem - and that is something that the Dems are responsible for - they have indoctrinated their masses to believe that the President is the sole power in America - so why bother to vote any other election than a Presidential one? And it is going to bite them (hopefully) in the butt big time this mid-term.

    I think every R on the ballot on NOvember 2 should run an ad that Obama & his financial wizards of smart are cooking up the plan to nationalize private retirement plans into the Social Security program. If that doesn’t push the rest of America over the edge - I don’t know what will. [Here is one reference on it - “The cash-strapped Obama Administration’s unofficial 401(k) nationalization czar is utopian New School for Social Research academic Teresa Ghilarducci—who was dubbed by U.S. News and World Report as “the most dangerous woman in America” after she appeared before Congress to testify in favor of government seizing 401(k)s and other retirement assets.” And this - “Congressional heavyweights such as Rep. George Miller (D-CA) have already held hearings on “merging” 401(k)s, IRAs, and other tax-advantaged private savings programs into the failed Social Security program."]

    I put nothing past this lying, two-faced slimy anti-American empty suit who is systematically attempting to destroy America.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/05/2010  at  08:16 AM  

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