The Taxman Cometh


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/17/2006 at 10:52 AM   
  1. I screwed up and got a refund.  Damn, I hate to give those clowns a tax free loan.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   04/17/2006  at  11:28 AM  

  2. Yeah well we had to pay a (small)penalty for not withholding, except that no one bothered to tell us we had to send a ‘note’ to the IRS requesting them to withhold a specific amount. DUH! exactly which memo was that one? I just think it was a scam ‘cuz a chunk of his govt income suddenly became untouchable by his disability rating.

    FLAT TAX, is the solution
    Notice how Communist Broadcasting System was out there first thing this AM claiming that a ‘poll’ states that 58% of Americans feel they are paying ‘just the right amount of tax’ which is down from the 90s when 51% thought that they were paying too much.
    What garbage to be touting on tax day. Another article I saw in the paper this morning said that the wealthy and middle class now pay the same ‘percentage’ [I believe they used the word rate] so the ‘flat tax’ myth of being good for jump starting the economy is just that a ‘myth.’ Talk about myths - until every citizen is paying the same percentage, there is no flat tax and right now the economy is doing good and I seriously doubt in real economics and accounting, the wealthy and the middle class are paying the same tax percentage.

    Also notice that the IRS which makes laws, no one can really comprehend manages a strangle hold like fear on the citizens of American. Yet, Immigration Laws are blithly ignored by the majority of Americans. What a crappy way to run a country - pick and chose the laws you want to obey.

    And the libs think it was the US reaction to 9/11 that is causing the Eurotrash turning on America?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/17/2006  at  04:14 PM  

  3. “...unconscionable that our tax dollars are going to the invasion and destruction of Iraq...”

    The media just had to run this moonbat’s opinion, didn’t they? Would it have been too much to ask them to interview a patriot, GI, or veteran?

    This MSM anti-Bush administration spin on everything is getting really, really old. Who was it that said if you repeat something long enough it’ll eventualy be believed no matter how outrageous?


    Posted by Jester    United States   04/17/2006  at  06:32 PM  

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