The Sounds Of Silence


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/11/2006 at 07:22 AM   
  1. They hate us for millions of reasons, and they’ve been doing it for 1300 years. It’s a given. I think it all boils down to two key points: one is that theirs is a sexually repressed and overcontrolled society, which leaves most of them highly frustrated; and the other is that just about anything the West does makes them look pathetic in comparison. If there needs to be a third point I’d say it’s that theirs appears to be a paleo-culture that does not have altruism or love.

    The MSM is always worrying about the reaction of the Arab Street to whatever the issue de jour is. Why bother? All it’s gonna be is anger, self-pity, riots and another car swarm.

    It’s a damn shame really. Lots of their countries are literally pumping money from the ground ... these countries should be paradises by now, actual Gardens of Eden filled with earthly delights, the people well fed, content, and peaceful. Instead nearly every one is a hellish starving dustbowl filled with hatred and abuse.

    If we could only put up a wall aroound them that would never be crossed, I’d say let them live their 7th century way in their own cesspits countries. Just sell us the oil and a few bunches of dates. But no, they have to export their suffering?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/11/2006  at  08:40 AM  

  2. Only one way to win,

    and that says,

    Death to Islam,


    Posted by rudebadger    United States   09/11/2006  at  12:49 PM  

  3. Honestly, I didn’t watch the video.  I can only view so much Islamic apologism and rationalization in one week and I’ve hit my max already. 

    Nevertheless, there is more going on than just this sort of “tit-for-tat” game that these f*ckers are using to justify their constant terrorizing and warmongering.  Let’s face it, over the past century there has been more than enough cross-cultural exchange between Western civilization and even the most “closed” Middle Eastern society (expecially in this current age of globalism) that there is no good excuse or rationale for all the hate we see directed at the West.  Personally, I believe that much of this hatred is fed to the downtrodden public of these Middle Eastern countries, via Islam, in order to divert blame from the greed of and negligent public policy enacted by the leaders of those countries.

    But the “common folks” of these countries DO have a choice: demand a viable democracy in their country, hold their leaders accountable, and prosper through relations with the West OR die playing the unwitting tools of the tyrants that hold them down.  We cannot force Muslims to choose peace and democracy.  But we can make certain that their only other options offer absolutely no hope, no future.

    Posted by shinjinrui    United States   09/11/2006  at  01:22 PM  

  4. Shin, not watching the videos by MEMRI robs you of an insight into what REALLY is going on over there. MEMRI literally translates the words of the Arab and Persian political leaders, religious leaders and media. I was shocked completely when I watched it. I never realized their attitude toward us was THIS bad. You have to see it and hear it to get a handle on the madness and hatred over there and it is ingrained in their culture, not a new byproduct of the war on terror.

    Example: one of the leading Arab talk show hosts (think Larry King with a beard and wearing a white robe) interviews one of his guests and they laughingly joke about the “4,000 Jews who called into work sick at the WTC on 9/11” and other such drivel. It is hideous to watch and listen to these people.

    MEMRI does not gloss over or apologize or rationalize anything. They present the raw footage - translated. FYI, Ron Silver is one of the few Hollywood actors who is not only a voice of conservatives and reason on the Left Coast but has openly defied the Alec Baldwins and Barbara Streisands out there.

    As for the “common folk” in the Middle East, they are too used to being sheep, beaten down at every turn, to ever adopt democracy, willingly and openly. Iraq is an example. We freed them from a madman, poured millions of dollars into rebuilding the country, kept over 130,000 troops on the ground to maintain order and what do they do? They can’t get enough men in the police or army to take over after three years.

    Democracy is not a gift that you can just bestow on someone and walk away. Look what happened in Eurpoe after WWI when the kings were all overthrown and young democracies sprouted up. It only took wenty years for it all to collapse into an even more monstrous war. Liberals know this and that is why they insist on getting out of Iraq NOW. The new democracy will crumble and fail in a matter of months if we leave now. Then the Leftist retards can point their finger at the mess, announce the failure of the “Bush Doctrine” and scream out “WE TOLD YOU SO”.

    I’ll sit down and shut up now. No one really wants to hear the truth anymore anyway.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   09/11/2006  at  03:21 PM  

  5. Some of us do Skip, some of us do. I agree that the best democracy is the one a people earn for themselves. Unless we stay in Iraq for two whole generations - 50 years - it’s going to fall apart when we leave. That we LET both Iraq and Afghanistan create constitutions based on sharia law amazes me; our efforts will fail in both those countries in a few years because of that. The best solution I’ve seen in the past 5 years came from Ann Coulter on 9/12/01, but we’d still have to be there for at least a generation to make it stick. It takes major genetic engineering to make a leopard change his spots, not just a coat of paint.

    For now I think the best thing would be to turn both those countries into farmland, using massive desalination projects and terraforming. First teach them to feed themselves, then teach them to grow food to sell to others. We should have kept the Taliban approach to opium growing too - Hassan chop! Maybe light manufacturing after that.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/11/2006  at  03:59 PM  

  6. Shin, not watching the videos by MEMRI robs you of an insight into what REALLY is going on over there.

    I know where you’re coming from Skipper and you’re not the only person I respect that has strongly recommended watching the MEMRI video lately.  But I’ve had the lowdown on the ramifications of the particular socio-political makeup of the Middle East since before 9/11.  Alot of that came from training specifically regarding global terrorism - I don’t need any additional reminders about how bad some people want me and mine dead.  9/11 was more than enough reminder.

    I agree that the common folk of the Middle East are beyond any rational incentive we can offer that would lead them towards peace and freedom.  I strongly suspect before we are done with the threat of Islam, the words “Tehran” and “Baghdad” may have to follow after this sequence: “Hiroshima” “Nagasaki” ______ ______.

    Posted by shinjinrui    United States   09/11/2006  at  06:26 PM  

  7. You’ll have to forgive me, Shin. I stand corrected. I sometimes forget that some people have been on to this mess for much longer than others. I am only attempting to spread the word as far possible by encouraging people to view the raw face of Islam and listen to these people condemn themselves with their constant hatred. Your sequence is almost complete. Those two names will probably be next in order sooner than any of us think. It’s a matter of survival and the sooner we wake up to that fact, the better chance we have of coming out in one piece on the other side.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   09/11/2006  at  06:47 PM  

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