the sorry state of france today.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/22/2014 at 12:46 PM   
  1. These useless vermin are rife in Ireland. Especially Dublin, Cork and Galway cities. The Irish police are impotent boobs when dealing with all crime and even if caught the gypos are surrounded by the bleeding-heart liberal assholes and the courts almost never jail them for TWO reasons:

    1) One they are deemed a racial minority which is seen as the victims of the 1% (sound familiar Obungler fans?).

    2) Irish courts and society, in general, see any jail time as draconian punishment when rehabilitation is the answer. Wrong on that account. The politicians frown on sending someone to jail because it is expensive to hire guards and build prison facilities. That drains public coffers of money that could be put to better use like foreign junkets and expensive cars. Almost all the hundreds of Irish politicos have top-of-the-line Mercedes paid for by tax money and quite a few have an Irish police detective as a chauffeur.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    United States   04/23/2014  at  07:53 AM  

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