The Single Issue


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/09/2007 at 12:13 PM   
  1. Right On L.Neil Smith!

    I live in Vermont, paradoxically one of the states with the most liberal gun laws in the US, but some of the most anal retentive politicians anywhere. They all talk a good game until you ask them about gun ownership; then they either scowl at you or make up some platitude about how they used to hunt as a boy or girl. Sorry, wrong answer Mr./Ms. politician! As a result, Vermont is a confused place with very confused politics. The only thing the gun owners of this state can do is watch every stupid idiot in Montpelier and Washington for signs or anti-gun stupidity. And no, I would never vote for Patrick Leahy who is one of the most double crossing politicians out there!

    The same thing goes for every voter out there, no matter which state you live in. Watch their retoric very carefully and don’t vote based on party affiliation, but on how a candidate supports the second amendment.

    Posted by Tired_of_the_left    United States   09/09/2007  at  04:00 PM  

  2. A government big enough to do everything for you can do anything to you.

    The best government is the least government, and one that stands if not in fear then in awe of its citizens.

    Freedom is not easy. Being responsible is not always easy either. Knowing right from wrong out to be easy, but the hard part is always knowing where to draw the line when black and white meld together into grey. But that is what this country is supposed to be all about.

    I’d agree with this author about 97%. I actually do want instant background checks because there are people out there who are amoral and should not be armed. Other than that, spot on. And I love how he swears by his demi-god JMB.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/09/2007  at  04:05 PM  

  3. Link doesn’t work for me shut eye

    Posted by memoryleak    United States   09/10/2007  at  06:52 AM  

  4. memoryleak - there is a comma between road and org, change it and it works!

    Wow - now I must go and check who is a Constitutional American politician and who are politico hacks (like I already don’t know)

    It is amazing how the moonbats twist the Constitution - the first Amendment is about Congress making laws to limit (or create) religion and free speech (i.e. making atheism the ‘state’ religion of American via the Supremes and of course their new attack on free speech - the unFairness Doctrine) not that john q public can say anything about anyone without some sort of control - believe me if I stood in the middle of I-75 claiming to be an alien - I’d see the inside of a mental hospital followed quickly by a stretch in the big house. . .But what the moonbats (probably wisely which is why they are all so anti-gun) is that the 2nd Amendmendment is the most important - as with it’s protection and the capabilities it gives the people - it allows all the other Rights, laws and freedoms to be protected and carried out. And to keep government checked and balanced by the people - the dems prove election fraud is alive and well every 4 years.

    Which is simply and purely why todays Congresscritters want to eradicate it as completely as they can - so that they can assume as much power and control in their misguided attempt to make America into one of these OneGlowballWorld - peace, love, and justice - socialist paradises.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/10/2007  at  09:59 AM  

  5. Excellent essay, excellent information, excellent conclusion.

    As long as we own guns and can repel the improper intrusions of the government into our lives, we can argue about all the other issues; abortion, separation of church and state, homosexual rights, taxes, the war in Iraq and so on.  The instant we lose the right to own guns, all those other decisions will be made for us by our masters.

    The Second Amendment is the singlemost important issue in our country.

    Posted by Archie    United States   09/10/2007  at  09:24 PM  

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