the problem with heroes is …..


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/09/2011 at 05:14 AM   
  1. As hard as ‘powers that be’ are attempting to make a OneGlowBallWorld of peace, love and harmony (wonder who’s talking to Kim, Hugo, Brother Raul - not to mention China & Russia, those have to be interesting conversations) - the more countries/peoples rise up to assert their heritage, traditions and INDIVIDUALITY. I wonder why that is?

    FREEDOM - true freedom not the propagandized form thrust upon us in pc doublespeak of the majority of politicians, dictators and despots - is burning in the heart and soul of every person - it is just that politicians and their two prong enablers (media and NGOs) do a great job of sucking the life, hope and soul out of the majority of people.

    It is why Christianity is reviled around the globe.  Read the NT carefully - Jesus was promoting a direct path to God, salvation and - gasp - faith. Even the ‘church’ needs desperately to fight that one. And if you have faith in God - aren’t you going to fight Big Government and (controlling by state)Laws?  Notice that is how that faux ‘religion’ makes it so easy to destroy the adherents - combine the state/religion. I still am trying to figure out how the separation of church and state li(e)brals embrace and support islam (I just have to believe it is as simple as your (Christianity) enemy (Islam) is my (Li(e)bral) friend) - otherwise they would be hypocritical and liars.

    Most Americans don’t need to grow up - What the World sees is exactly what the moronistration and its propaganda machine wants the World to see - juvenile, vulgar, lazy, stupid - but supportive of the un-Constitutional liar in chief sheeple. It helps the World believe (and the Li(e)brals) that America is just a few steps behind them on the OneGlowBallWorld express train to hell on earth.

    The TRUTH is out there and it will come out. I just hope that it isn’t too late for America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/09/2011  at  08:04 AM  

  2. I thought the guy’s comments were ok.

    I think the snide comments look like a result of the author feeling vastly superior.

    He may be sharp but maybe not a really nice guy.

    As for the celebrating bit, those who partook would probably celebrate a new Geico commercial.

    His viewpoint seems fair game.

    Posted by splugy    United States   05/09/2011  at  07:56 PM  

  3. Well, truth to tell from time to time our Simon can be a bit pompous. But on the other hand, I don’t think he grasps the American mindset. Not really.
    I saw nothing vulgar or infant like in Americans showing their joy that the guy who managed to do so much harm in our own country, finally got his.  I saw it as an outpouring of honest relief. No harm done. But Mr Heffer travels in exalted circles, I doubt he gets to talk to the fireman or the cop or butcher,baker etc. In some ways, Heffer is quite old world in appearances. Stiff upper lip and all that old chap.
    Since we’re taking so much heat from the left over here, and even at home, I guess I’m a bit thin skinned getting it from a guy who’s on our side. Mostly. Lots of the time, maybe.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   05/11/2011  at  06:18 AM  

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