The Power Of Obama


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/24/2014 at 11:24 AM   
  1. Pretty strong words there Drew. Are any of us surprised?
    And do any of us believe he could do anything the writer here says he is guilty of, without a lot of help from folks called useful idiots?
    The rot good friend, was happening before O. Which isn’t a defense for him.

    It’s all very depressing.
    I would never have guessed back in 1957 when I was just 20, how our country would turn out.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/24/2014  at  01:56 PM  

  2. Thank you Drew, however the credit for finding this one should go to my friend, Elena M.  She’s been reading BMEWS over my shoulder for some time now.

    I have come to believe that this sorry state of affairs has been Obama’s real goal ever since getting the Presidency.  For some time, I thought it might be monumental incompetency, but even a fool would have gotten some things right.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   04/24/2014  at  03:23 PM  

  3. No, this is deliberate. Every act, every step of the way.

    And the rest of the world is finally waking up to it. “Benghazi never would have happened” read the headlines in the UK papers yesterday “If Obama hadn’t changed sides in the War On Terror”.  Well, no shit.

    Our non-American, pro Marxist, Islamic leaning, elitist, tyrannical, thieving little scrubber has in fact turned out to be a non-American, pro Marxist, Islamic leaning, elitist, tyrannical, thieving little scrubber.

    And nobody saw it coming ... except that this is exactly who he said he was, and what he wsa all about, from his autobiographies and from his campaign speeches. The Constitution is a flawed document and he’s out to make fundamental changes in America, spread the wealth around, and bring an absolute end to the pompous falsehood of American Exceptionalism, and erase everything done by those stupid, typical white people.

    And nobody heard a word. All they could see is that he was dark skinned, and that’s all that mattered. And to even mention that was to damn yourself to the 8th circle of Hell for your vile racism. And the spellbound morons voted him in in droves. Years later, his job only 1/3 done, the nation reeling under never ending recession and underemployment and inflation, the world wobbling from lack of American leadership, those same self-destructive mutton heads voted him in again, while the few millions who could have stopped him stayed home sucking their thumbs in a snit and not voting, because their candidate wasn’t 145% perfect.

    The chickens have come home to roost.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/24/2014  at  04:21 PM  

  4. Nice and true letter and pretty good summation of the crappola that let it happen. Except that you failed to mention the election fraud that occurred to ‘help’ his election along.

    I am stunned that these sheeple see election fraud - be if from intimidation of the NBPP to the Ms Poll ‘I voted 6 times but it’s not illegal’ Worker (who now has 5 years in jail to think about how ‘not illegal’ it was) to the 40,000 people registered both in Virginia and Maryland - etc - to win an election. To me it shows the stunning failure of their issues, candidates and belief in what they are presenting to the Country. They know it’s crap and lies and that it would never win an election (except a few districts where they apparently have only illiterates voting and of course IL which is the land of the dead voting) - and they think that they are so smart and cleaver to win by cheating.

    The backlash is coming - You can’t have a Nation built on the freedom, Independence and Opportunity like America keep on this downward path.

    My youngest daughter’s college roommate with a Masters degree is working in a factory. My other daughter’s best friend from high school just finished her Masters and found out her life is in the toilet - hubby again broke the law (which is another jail stint) and guess what - it isn’t getting her the advancement in her job that she thought it would - because no employers want to hire and advance people that have to have benefits to go with those powerhouse jobs - Not in this economy.

    I just hope that 51% of this country gets their heads out of their asses in November and says not just NO but HELL NO to this crap.

    No Obama didn’t start it - but pointing fingers isn’t going to fix the problem. And it’s not even just the Democrats - If the GOP hadn’t knuckled under so many damn times in the past - We wouldn’t be here.

    The deal now - is to start fixing it. Before it really is too late.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/25/2014  at  08:53 AM  

  5. I agree with the 4 previous commenters.


    wardmama4, Sorry but it’s too late right now.

    Obungler has 3 more years and enough swooning idiots left to deflect any attempts to sink his plans to bring America down.

    For the first time I kinda glad my both parents passed years ago. They barely survived the great depression of 1929, made it through WW-II and raised 2 kids on a single, skimpy income because they both believed my mother should be home to raise my sister and me. It was tomato soup and saltines for lunch and beans and toast for dinner most nights. Occassional hotdogs were added to the beans.

    If alive today they’d weep for a once wonderful country.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    United States   04/25/2014  at  02:32 PM  

  6. Not to mention Обама, being the Faggot-in-Chief that he is, has turned our once powerful military into a grand Social Experiment to encourage the LGBT Queers to be oh, so Gay!

    Posted by Macker    United States   04/30/2014  at  06:58 AM  

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