The phrase Old Masters is sexist, authors and students are told.  (Here We Go Again)


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 09/20/2008 at 09:36 AM   
  1. Peiper, PC lunacy has indeed run amok in Britain.  I’d like to call it “Great” out of respect for Lyndon and the other British members here.  Unfortunately that name no longer applies as the government has decided that one must be seen to be on equal footing on everything (the ole “every animal is created equal, but some are more equal than others” - Animal Farm ploy).

    I would like to be able to dream of GB coming back into her own again.  Once she did wonders bringing new ideas, new inventions, a common ground for many nations and beliefs to meet on.  Granted, she did have her major drawbacks.  But, on the whole, she was a blessing.

    Unfortunately, I think that this can only remain a dream considering that the government is more concerned with satisfying their masters in Brussels, the muzzies, and everyone and everything that would destroy what so many brave people gave their all to protect.

    Once there was a brave slogan “Rule, Britannia”.  The modern take (and far more accurate to my mind) is “Rue, Britannia!”

    Posted by Valgerd Gydhja    United States   09/20/2008  at  11:47 AM  

  2. Old Masters is the better phrase, because nobody wants an old mistress.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/20/2008  at  02:58 PM  

  3. "Old Masters” is sexist… even though they were, in fact nearly ALL MALE.

    That says it all, right there. The only thing that matters is the possibility that someone, somewhere will perceive it as sexist. Whether it is meant as such or not is beside the point. Whether the term is ACCURATE is beside the point.

    In short, it’s okay to deliberately mislead people, as long as you don’t offend them.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   09/21/2008  at  09:16 AM  

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