The Past, Echoing


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/15/2015 at 04:14 PM   
  1. Watched Olympus has fallen - interesting take on the Korean situation (from that point on Dems/US government had no stomach what-so-ever to actually fight a war to win).

    I won’t go into detail other than to say - liberals/leftists/communists/marxists et al are alike the world over - that if they can just secure ‘the money’ then all of life will be wonderful for all.

    Except that they have no compunction to kill anyone/everyone who gets in their way of ‘securing’ the money, that even after they secure the money - they start looking for ways to steal and obtain even more money, that they kill for random reasons anyone they suspect, fear, who is honest or that they deem is ‘not’ them.

    Cheesy movie - but it really brought out a glaring point about the nature of liberals (which they really aren’t classic liberals - as those people want no controls what-so-ever) - it’s all about the money.

    However giving Iran both the ‘permission’ and the money to build a nuclear bomb is just so much more dangerous than the NoKos.

    Is the phrase - 7 years - in this ‘treaty’ (it is not a deal, it is not a treaty - it is complete capitulation - Obama gave and gave and gave - and asked for nothing) at all? ‘Cuz if it is, we are so screwed. Oh, and this is the first step in Obama’s generational war - and the media and I even doubt historians won’t put the cause on him. At. All. Ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/16/2015  at  10:44 AM  

  2. I have always hoped to see a Nuke fired in anger during my lifetime an with this move that may actually happen.
    All thanks to Barry an Johnny.
    Thanks guys. Your the Best.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/16/2015  at  12:54 PM  

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