The Other Side Of The Coin


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/03/2014 at 09:28 AM   
  1. This is the problem with instant noise,er News. Everyone jumps the gun to be first to bitch, on both sides sadly.
    Well, it is the 21st century so waddaya gunna du.
    Free hat free hat free hat!!

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/03/2014  at  12:33 PM  

  2. free hat???

    Posted by Drew458    United States   07/03/2014  at  12:57 PM  

  3. South Park episode. Campaign to free Hatt the child killer. Very Droll episode.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   07/03/2014  at  10:57 PM  

  4. I am saddened that a religious organization is involved with this - it is people (don’t care about their ages - you know, as well as I - a child can not walk from Mexico, Central or South America on a ‘desire’ to get to freedom - they are being sent by their parents/governments and adults are involved in the process).

    Our Federal Government is participating in this - that there are NOT troops along the border to prevent them from crossing over and turning them back. That they are even ‘taken’ to a center - is a violation of State and Federal Immigration Laws.

    Here is what I hope that happens -

    1) The Simpson - Mazzoli Act of 1986 was passed ‘claiming’ that it would stop Criminal Illegal Invasion ‘forever’ (that last word should have been the give away at it’s lies). The Secure Fence Act of 2006 - was passed to Build the Border Fence. Hey DC, hey local governments, hey State governments - hey every single Border Agent and LEO Enforce the Law

    2) The Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed to limit and control - those deemed a danger to themselves or others - who can not legally purchase a gun. Hey DC, hey local governments, hey State governments - hey ever single LEO/DA/Judge Enforce the Law

    3) The only branch of the Federal Government as per the Constitution which can make law is Congress - Hey Congress Enforce the Constitution

    Because given the current lawlessness of this Administration - I expect people to start ignoring the ‘laws of the land’ themselves.

    Or the other option - taking out the corrupt politicos - the recent poll of the big o being the ‘worst’ President since WW2 - should be a wake up call for the mid-term elections. Every single seat in the House is up - and enough seats in the Senate are up - that if the GOP takes both Houses - hopefully, all bets are off.

    Ponder this question - for years (since elected) the big o has blamed the obstructionist, do nothing GOP - so how many bills has the House passed that Reid has not brought up for a vote in the Senate? - here’s the answer - in 2010 it was 320 and in 2014 (thus far) it is 290. How is that the fault of the GOP?

    Lying liars simply telling more lies. And that goes for the media too.

    Jobs numbers - another lie - 500,000 full time jobs were lost while 799,000 part time jobs were created (as pointed out again and again - how can one person much less a family live on part time employment). With 90 million unemployed (youth unemployment is at 21%) and the U-6 is at 12.1% - why is this Administration allowing thousands of criminal illegal invaders in?

    And why is the media supporting it? And big business? And the healthcare system? And the Border Agents? And the LEOs? And the Local Politicos? And the State Politicos? And the social handouts crowd?  And the American people?

    Isn’t there any Institution in America defending American citizens, American sovereignty, The (vaulted) Laws of the Land, and the Constitution any more?

    And what must upright, patriotic Americans do to end this?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/04/2014  at  08:26 AM  

  5. Even with a preview - I did not end the first sentence properly - it is people committing a crime.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/04/2014  at  08:28 AM  

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