The Other Side Of The Coin


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/24/2010 at 11:48 AM   
  1. The future President (my younger daughter) & I went to a concert in Louisville - Apocalyptica - 4 Finnish cellists who play hard rock. Anyway, in line was a very nice woman from Columbia - 2nd Columbian I’ve met - both attractive and very well spoken. You should have heard her talk about Mexico - Don’t go to a concert there, they are terrible, rude and don’t take a camera or anything of value, they will steal it.

    I think Mexico is what America is becoming - half are criminals who’d shoot their own Mother if they could get something of value from it and half are decent hard working people who do indeed want to make their lives, their childrens lives and their country better. I also have met (in 2008) a Cuban refugee - and I find it very telling that those Immigrants who come here, indeed to make a better life or to truly escape the horrors of political persecution, are assimilated, dedicated to the American way of life and speak English when in public - in other words - exactly what our Founding Fathers wanted from Immigrants.

    I have Americans of Mexican decent in the family now - like them but you know I do see a different take on life - bitch about things but do nothing to make it better (and I’m talking about their lives - not World events here). But at least these people came, became American and don’t run around flaunting their ‘homeland’ in our faces.

    Something needs to be done and done quickly or America will become just another small cog in the MexiMeriCan NAU - and look what the EU has done to all those once fine and strong countries.

    God Help America.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/25/2010  at  08:50 AM  

  2. Working retail, I deal with Hispanics daily, many who can’t speak English.  I don’t know if they’re illegal or not and we can’t ask.  For the most part, these folks are the best customers we encounter.  They’re polite, respectful, know what they need, and try their best to communicate it to you.  They’re children are well behaved and don’t run around the store like they’re on a playground.  They usually always pay in cash and have very few I said, they know what they need.  I would rather deal with these folks than the billy-bob rednecks and good-ole-boys that come in all the time.  My hope is that these folks are here legally.

    Posted by BobF    United States   05/25/2010  at  12:10 PM  

  3. Yes I guess I was wrong to imply that I am against Mexicans (only) - Just relating a current events story that I felt went with the topic.

    On that my brother - a lawyer no less - squatted in Canada forever until he was able to get a visa or whatever (I’m not sure he just went on and on how he had to do it). And that is the essence of the problem - his wife spent some 25 years in America - not as a citizen and he (a lawyer) chose to violate the law to suit him (not as if he could not have applied when he was gainfully employed and had a home to do it from in America). He chose the illegal way. And if lawyers do it - why should we expect more from the masses.

    I’m just as angry at a certain African who remained here after being issued deportation orders - on the welfare train - simply because her Nephew cheated his way to the WH. Once again - We The People are shown that for some of us - the law applies and for others - they are better, above the law.

    And I’m not thrilled with the ‘new’ form of Immigrant - the terrorist in the making. As they know that they will get the benefit of American ‘rights’ after they commit their act of treason.

    And finally I do not know how many are Illegal or not - but I’m not too keen on all the organized crime types who just make our problems worse by being here.

    Color, country of origin, religion are not the issue - ILLEGAL is - sadly though - the majority are Mexican/Latino.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/26/2010  at  07:42 AM  

  4. This one’s for Sheriff Joe!

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/28/2010  at  09:28 AM  

  5. My ancestors are immigrants on both sides.  My maternal grandparents brought my mother here when she was 1-1/2 years old.  Through her, I’m the first generation born here and proud of it.

    My father’s family has been here about 2 generations longer.  I’m proud of them too.

    They all came here to be Americans.  They didn’t come here to be Irish Americans or Hungarian Americans or Jewish Americans.  They came here to be Americans of Irish, Hungarian and Jewish descent.  They came here to be Americans first, regardless of anything else.

    I’ll ask nothing more OR less of anyone from anywhere who wants to come here.  Come here to be an American first, the “Old Country” is just that, the old country.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/29/2010  at  01:52 AM  

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