The Nappy Headed Kerfuffle


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/12/2007 at 01:19 AM   
  1. "Practicing Ebonics Without A License.”


    And notice the stone cold silence on the use the adjectives ‘liberal’ or’leftwinger’
    preceeding Don Imus’ name?? I do believe he was a BIG kerry supporter in 2004.

    Of course, the msm would never use similar, but opposite political descriptors for a conservative talk show bafoon.


    Posted by Locomotive Breath 1901    United States   04/12/2007  at  03:01 AM  

  2. Yes on Hannity and Colmes last night, Colmes tried to make out like Imus wasn’t a liberal? It was kind of humorous - if he isn’t liberal - who is.

    Never watch the Imus show, as the couple of times I caught it in the past I just didn’t like it.

    The reaction is dangerous and everyone - commedians, talk show hosts, tv show hosts, writers - all need to stand together and say Enough or they will be next.

    If the liberal whinners will go after their own - you know damn well most conservatives voices will be silenced for less.

    We have the Nazis coming here next week - and despite it’s historic race wrong decisions, the city council managed to keep it’s sanity and not do something stupid and one of the members actually suggested what I thought was the best solution - stay home, don’t react - don’t give them what they want. If a race riot breaks out here - it will be Watts all over again. The city council has neutered the police since the 2000 shooting of that 19 year old (rap sheet of course) run from the police (black) kid - so all hell will break loose. I remain guarded that our ever the race victim black population will heed those wise words. What fun.

    I can’t imagine why people aren’t stressing the American - I guess being such an American melting pot personage (you know a mutt) that I don’t see anything but being an American in my life. Lived next to Korean, Chinese, blacks, whites, hispanics, hillbillies (oh they were so much fun), all sorts of Americans in my 30 years - we all aren’t that much different is what I’ve learned.

    And it is time that the ever entitlement, ever the victim, ever the race baiters come to that reality or they will destroy America from within. Where are all the voices protesting this? Or is the (un)biased media, once again, not reporting the whole story?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/12/2007  at  07:48 AM  

  3. It wasn’t just the standard race warlords like Sharpton and Jackson who were upset by this incident; Imus pissed off blacks across the entire political spectrum--even far-right leaning black folks such as myself

    I was offended by what Imus said regarding the Rutgers women.  However, I’m just as offended when I hear so-called rap “artists” spew their hatred over the airwaves.  I feel that black people need to treat each other with respect, before they get pissed off every time that a white person offends them. If they don’t, there’s a good word to describe them: HYPOCRITE.

    The most aggravating thing about this whole situation is the fact that I haven’t seen a single black person on TV who’s saying that we’re the ones who are guilty of bringing terms such as “ho” into the mainstream lexicon.  When people start using these terms themselves (maybe in ways that we wouldn’t want or expect them to be used), then we might get offended, but we certainly shouldn’t be surprised.

    Posted by DaGeneral    United States   04/12/2007  at  09:55 AM  

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