the nanny state in the USA. wish I could say it ain’t so Joe


Posted by peiper    United States   on 06/17/2012 at 12:51 PM   
  1. I read an article where they conducted a poll in New York where this soda ban would affect the people and it showed that 53% of those polled disagreed with the soda ban.  What I have to ask is, what the hell are the 47% who do not think this new law is a bad idea thinking?  Is nearly half of new york so liberal or so weak minded that they think the govt should control every aspect of their lives?  I bet that if you looked at the same results of this poll one hundred years ago...80% would have said the govt has no business telling anyone what they should eat or drink and the final 20% would have beaten the poll taker up for even suggesting that the govt has this kind of power to begin with.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   06/18/2012  at  12:00 AM  

  2. the final 20% would have beaten the poll taker up for even suggesting that the govt has this kind of power to begin with.

    Right on. And I honestly don’t see the humor in this decision that a few have written about.
    What will the do gooders decide is bad for us next? It does tend to anger one.

    Posted by peiper    United States   06/18/2012  at  04:13 AM  

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