the law is an ass and the prosecutor clearly an ass as well as a damn fool. Add jerk to that. jeesh


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/17/2010 at 03:58 PM   
  1. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine in the UK. Inconsiderate asswipes would park in front of his drive. His solution was to get a length of four by two and lever the offending vehicle into the middle of the road. It did cause considerable damage to the cars sills. However it was the last time they blocked his drive.

    The way you deal with it is to leave a note on the windscreen and have a word when they come back. You don’t use your car to move it.’

    The way you deal with it is to leave a note on the windscreen and have a word when they come back. You don’t use your car to move it.’ to which I say bollocks. People like that don’t give a tinkers cuss to polite notices asking them not to park in front of your property.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   11/17/2010  at  06:49 PM  

  2. I carry a valve-stem removal tool in my truck. When I encounter idiots/jerks like this, I remove the valve stem from a couple of their tires. Not just one, because they could simply slap on the spare.

    And by removing the valve stems I avoid damaging their tires, like slashing would, so damage is minimized while inconvenience is maximized.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   11/17/2010  at  08:03 PM  

  3. Stem pullers, always handy. There is always the “violators will be towed” sign. As long as you do pull the bastards.. I always enjoy seeing the looks of incredulity on the face of someone who thinks the world is their parking lot.
    Garage blockers deserve their particular spot in the lowest part of Hell.

    Just a thought..

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   11/17/2010  at  10:04 PM  

  4. What amazes me most of all is that those folks seem to believe they have some kind of god given right to other people’s space. Mind boggling.
    The other maddening activity is ppl in parking lots. They pull in without a care in the world and if you’re already parked, you come back to your car to find another parked at an odd angle and a close squeeze getting in your own car.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/18/2010  at  06:21 AM  

  5. Ah yes the pleasantries of dealing with the ‘others’ - seems like when it comes to people and their cars - No one has any RIGHTS but ME. I’ve paid for the side of my car (mall parking lot), front light (street parking in front of my home) and have had the MPs called on me (and called them) over the stupidity of an a** blocking me in - What part of blocking a drive, garage or parking space don’t some people understand at all.

    Don’t even get me started on handicap spaces - want to learn how damn hard it is to live with a handicapped person - just go to a high school in the AM or dismissal and sit and watch the entire student body and their clueless parents blithely block those in handicap spots in or block the entire section (despite numerous - this lane is not for parking signs) from being used at all.

    The ‘edict’ from the stupid judge is much like the TSA, Gun Control and way too much else going on with our ‘laws’ - The law abiding, taxpaying citizen is guilty and must prove themselves innocent - while the criminally stupid, the lazy, drug addicted, and ‘special’ groups are given a pass - no matter what they do at all, without a second thought.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/18/2010  at  01:01 PM  

  6. In theory a call to the police should get them towed, if you have half a day to loose, I has one towed away at my cost, tat was fun, England is lost.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   11/19/2010  at  06:38 AM  

  7. This post deserves this smile/chuckle:

    Rich Citizen: Ok this is getting boring. What’s the tab? Come on, how much is this going to cost me? You name your price.
    Judge Dredd: Hmmm. Hershey call Central for an H Wagon. (crosses the street facing the red sports car)
    Rich Citizen: What. I don’t believe it. Your gonna tow me?!
    Judge Dredd: Towing is for the first offense! This your fourth violation. You’re a menace! How do you plead?
    Rich Citizen: Not guilty?
    Judge Dredd: [menacingly] I knew you’d say that. [Draws his gun]
    Rich Citizen: Hey wait! What are you doing?
    Judge Dredd: Grenade!
    Gun: Grenade. vrrrrrm
    Rich Citizen: Nooooo! [Dredd destroys the car, leaving the rich citizen stunned]
    Judge Dredd: Happy motoring.
    Judge Hershey: Subtle.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   11/20/2010  at  01:15 AM  

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