The Intellectual Activist


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/06/2010 at 01:00 PM   
  1. Adds credence to my biggest fear that this “never waste a crisis” administration will use some real or contrived catastrophe to abrogate the electoral process to remain in power.

    Posted by Elvula    United States   07/06/2010  at  10:38 PM  

  2. Funny during the campaign I thought that the Hildabeast would do that the very day after she was sworn in for her second term - Now with the Klownposse in DC seemingly having their fiscal, right destroying way with us, with Obama blithering around the US - standing in the way of the BP cleanup - while doing not a damn thing to even pretend to fix it and while attempting to sit a rubber stamp fascist loving uber li(e)bral onto the Supreme Court (wanna bet - the second she is sworn in, a swing vote or one sat by a Conservative but quasi liberal justices will ‘suddenly’ retire - moving the Court permanently left?!?) - We The People need to stop this - and not just with the ‘vote ‘em out’ crappola.

    Anyone we elect will be just as wishy-washy just as spineless or just as turncoat - This is a War against the very foundation of what it means to be American and we need to fight back.

    1)Repeal the 13th & 17th Amendments under the RESTORATION OF STATES RIGHTS.
    2)Put forth the 28th Amendment - that Congress & the President (and former Presidents) are not exempt from any/all Laws passed by Congress - no special retirement (SS for one and all), no special Healthcare (Obamacare for NONE) and if they commit a crime - immediate dismissal from all Committees and Chair holdings.
    3)Put forth a 29th Amendment - that all PUBLIC OFFICES shall be held no more than 2 terms and one can only hold 2 State and 2 Federal Offices in a lifetime - no more of this lifetime of political class bs.
    4)CUT THE DAMN BUDGET - Stop lying to America - Start with all the ‘free money’ for art, education, brochures, non-profits, and so on and so on and so on. Then move to reducing all social programs by 1% the first fiscal budget and increasing the cut amount every budget after that (show me where in the Constitution any of this social crappola is in there, a right or to be part of the Congressional legislation/budget).
    5)Then make Congressional pay 1) not a lifetime perk, 2) tied to performance (votes/attendance/responsiveness to constituents/etc) and 3) pay raises voted on locally by the very people that elected and just might re-elect you to office (John Q Public does NOT get to make his own pay/pay raise - neither should Congress). 
    6)Start cutting every DEPT of _____ (other than Defense - it’s in the Constitution) - until they are history. Starting with the IRS (I’d like to see exactly how many billions that would save We The People every year).
    7)IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH - the current Administration and the 111th Congress not to mention the current Supreme Court are committing acts, legislation and decisions that are against their sworn oaths, America’s Constitution and the safety and welfare of the citizens of the US.
    8) Then deport all illegals - and start cutting back foreign aid to any country that has aided and abetted terrorism over the past 9 years and/or encouraged their citizens to illegally enter the US for any purpose what-so-ever.
    10)Finally restore the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer in school (which oh btw, will be coming soon so that the muslims can take over another crucial aspect of American society).[Aside you notice that the left has no problem what-so-ever with a school/group making little kids sing praises to Obama, but damn if anyone asks/requires them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance]
    In 10 easy, little steps I think I’ve covered the beginning of RESTORATION NOT REVOLUTION to return America to the vision that our Founding Fathers had for this great land.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/07/2010  at  08:37 AM  

  3. UH too much 4th of July hoopla - #1 should be repeal the 16th Amendment. Sorry.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/08/2010  at  06:31 PM  

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