The Gathering Storm


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/22/2006 at 01:58 AM   
  1. Skipper I think you may have touched on just such a tinderbox when you mention a potential Hitler sitting in a beer hall. Given that pubs are one of the potential targets mentioned in an investigation into some moooslim terrorists. They were arrested a couple of years ago in Britain (they have only just come to trial)the wheels of justice grind as slowly in Britain as in the US it seems.

    The supporters of Roma are a nasty lot. They think Mussolini (aka Fat Bastard) was some sort of demi-god. I expect there will be trouble in Germany this summer and I am not looking forward to it. The caption is unfortunately correct though. The Germans have many thousands of Turks ammong them. Once again cheap labour and short sighted politicians have encouraged a demographic change in Europe that is not for the better. Though I’m not sure the Germans will be the problem they have been in the past.

    My feeling is the problems will start in France where already Jews are being targetted by moooslims for assaults and murders. Desecration of Jewish cemeteries is becoming a routine occurence. What scares me is the MSM keep this hushed up. It is rarely if ever reported. You would think that given European history when the canary in the mine (the Jews) dies people should get nervous, but the modern cult of “multi-culti” is obsessed with not upsetting the muslims. Maybe we are being too alarmist here, but I don’t think so. I fear we will face a bleak future in Europe.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   03/22/2006  at  04:39 AM  

  2. I’m with you Skipper and I share LyndonB’s concerns.  The question isn’t if we can defeat the Muslim extremists (debate “moderate” Muslim later), but if we can preserve the freedoms of our society at the same time.  Frankly the social side effects of a religious based war scare me a lot more than the war itself.  I kinda feel like I’m beating this drum too much.  I’ve done several other posts here, saying similar things.  Still I have to ask:  Where or what is a better answer?  Just don’t tell me to accept the status of Dhimi.

    There’s a joke about an Indian, a cowboy and a Muslim, sitting on a bench.  The Indian says:  “Woe is me.  My people were once many and mighty and now we are few and weak.” The Muslim proudly says:  “My people were once few and weak, now we are many and strong.” The cowboy replies:  “That’s ‘cause you ain’t played cowboys and mooslims yet.” Defeating them by force of arms is easy enough.  All we need is for enough people to come to fear the Muslim Menace and it will happen.  Once they are defined in the public eye as unGodly and less than human, dangerous vermin to be exterminated, the rest will follow.

    For my part, I’m willing to live and let live (I don’t have to like you to live in peace with you), but there’s a Mosque a few miles from my home and the quys with the turbans and nightshirts make me nervous.  Here in America, we have a few preachers who say and do outrageous things - the Muslims seem to make a widespread habit of it.

    I spent time in Germany in 1967 and 1969.  I received a few lectures from Germans on the state of American race relations vs. German race relations.  Back then, I was told about how tolerant and liberal Germany had become, how they welcome the Turkish Gastarbeiter (Guest Workers) freely into their society.  I wonder what the lecture would be like today? 

    Side note on the French, they’ve always been a bit anti Semitic, so a few beaten up Jews and desecrated cemetaries wouldn’t bother them much.  Makes it easy to ignore the canary.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/22/2006  at  06:55 AM  

  3. It’s definitely time to start “playing cowboys and moooslimmms”.  And play hard, fast and furious.  chasehatchet  banghead  uzi  2gunsfiring  monkey  machinegun

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/22/2006  at  08:38 AM  

  4. Ladies and Gentlemen - I have a question: With the EXCEPTIONS of England and Italy, both of whom stood close by the United States, why should we give a healthy shit what happens to Europe?  FUCK ‘EM.  It’s fine to be Anti-US for damn near everything - but when the shit hits the fan they want “Good Old John Wayne” to ride to the fucking rescue???  Kiss my hairy white ass.  Far as I’m concerned, the freaks, the muslims, and all the rest of the freaks can fight each other straight to hell.

    Posted by T    United States   03/22/2006  at  08:43 AM  

  5. Hope we don’t write off Europe.  It is our cultural birthplace and we do need allies in the War Against Terror.

    That being said, the Europeans need to clean up their own house.  If they don’t find their own culture worth fighting for, then why should we?  Religious wars are among the worst, but if it must be then let it happen while we remain strong.

    Meanwhile, I continue to stockpile ammunition in military calibers.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   03/22/2006  at  08:50 AM  

  6. The UPS delivery man put the book on my back porch because of the snow, so I found it last nite.  I have not read much of it yet.

    I have a suggestion: Europeans should have a “Kill-Box World Cup”. Draw in all the Muslim Fanatics and Neo-Nazis in Europe.  Then seal the area off, cancel the soccer matches, and let them have at each other.  skull  bomb  trophy

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/22/2006  at  09:20 AM  

  7. First of all, soccer is not a sport.  American football is a sport.

    Rat: American Indians are still a problem here in the USA.  My next door neighbor is a RedSkin and hez all kinds of problems. 

    Notice to France: 30% unemployment in males 18 to 26 years old is asking for trouble.  nah-nah

    Here in Florida we have 3% unemployment excaim 

    Germany had 0% unemployment in 1942.  So we still have room for growth. island  snake  island

    A war economy is a good economy. flag

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/22/2006  at  09:21 AM  

  8. I totally agree with Lyndon’s points, especially the one giving partial blame for this to the media. If it wasn’t for the MSM covering up/putting a positive spin on Muslim violence, maybe things wouldn’t be so bad so soon. This pressures politicians (Chirac) into caving in to all Islamic concerns, and it further emboldens extremists when they see the media’s nonstop coverage of Hollywood’s willing support for them and the moonbat protests against the US. Then again, maybe it doesn’t even matter, since it seems a backlash war against Muslims is inevitable anyway. May the best psychos win.


    Posted by Jester    United States   03/22/2006  at  10:45 AM  

  9. Good suggestion Oink may the best dirtbag win.

    Zed. Soccer is not a sport? Have you been taking those cheap meds again? What I want to know is why do they have to wear all the body armour in American football? Makes it look like a cissy game compared to rugby! Now that’s a sport for gentleman…

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   03/22/2006  at  12:40 PM  

  10. I cannot see what all the worry is about. The economic and political conditions that allowed Hitler to rule Germany are just not there. Is there a coming backlash against Muslims in Europe? Definitely. It won’t be a Holocaust. Of course, the fascists will try to make political capital over this. It will fall on largely deaf ears. The European nations will begin to deport troublemakers - an action that is LONG overdue. I would watch Germany. I have noticed relatively little Muslim rioting there. I have been to Germany. There is something frightening about the Germans. The silly French are going to let the entire thing come unhinged through cringing appeasement and lack of action against rioters. How long would you allow ragheads to burn cars in your town? Molest citizens? Not very damn long.

    Posted by markmc    United States   03/22/2006  at  01:20 PM  

  11. LBJ: Win? I meant for the Europeans to nuke the site after the bloodletting stopped.

    My ‘German Son’ was anxious as to what colors he should wear to an Indianapolis Colts game.  I assured him that you must be unusually obnoxious and stupid to get your ass kicked at the Hoosier Dome.  We even had a pleasant conversation with a Packers Fan, wearing a tasteful block of plastic cheese on his head.

    According to the bumper sticker: IT TAKES LEATHER BALLS TO PLAY RUGBY!

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/22/2006  at  02:29 PM  

  12. mark: And I don’t see the US situation as being close to Europe.  The predictions of European holocaust are based on straight-line projections of things continually getting worse and worser. Or maybe some nuke or massive poison gas attack.  It might happen. Or maybe like Ireland, things will be crummy for decades until people get tired of murder.  I honestly do not know; I’m not optimistic.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/22/2006  at  02:42 PM  

  13. SOCCER isn’t a sport. It is a silly little child’s game that parents make their kids play so they have something to do on weekends when they are not zombied out on Ritalin - this, before, of course, the parents learn it is more work and effort for them than the kiddies.

    Rugby, now there is a SPORT. We don’t have a football team at my college - we have a rugby team (or two, if you count the girls).

    Posted by Dac    United States   03/22/2006  at  04:34 PM  

  14. Soccer + basketball + hockey—you must have played it, or studied it seriously to understand what’s happening.  Football and baseball are slow games, easier for the dilettante to follow.

    My grouse with soccer is the opposite of my one with basketball.  Very little scoring vs. way too much.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/22/2006  at  04:43 PM  

  15. A Tampa guy just bought some big soccer team in EnglandManchesturds or something.  I hope he shuts those rat-bastards down. 

    American Pro Football brings in more money than all other sports combined.

    We have 3 Pro football teams in Florida now.  If the Rams or the Lions move to Orlando then we will have 4 teams.  Of course they will all be shitty shit  compared to Tampa Bay Bucs and coach Gruden. island  two_thumbs_up  island

    Too many brain injuries with soccer. skull

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   03/22/2006  at  05:53 PM  

  16. Forget sports teams! 

    Religious war is a severe threat to all of us!  Any Protestants out there who remember the tender mercies of the Catholic Church?  How about Catholics with fond memories of the Ku Klux Klan or the Protesant Reformation?  Irish, either from the North or the South of Ireland, you know what religious hatred does.  Any Mormons in the audience - you have your own memories of winning a place of safety.  If you’re Jewish, most of your history is one of surviving one murdering thug after another.  Here in the United States, we have all found the peace and freedom to worship as G_d speaks to each of us.  If this fundamental right is shattered by war against Islam, who’s next?  Where will the line be drawn?  Since there is nothing to indicate that the war against Islam can be avoided, let’s define our terms and try to work out boundries so that we can save the society that we love and depend on.

    What norms of faith and behavior will we accept?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/22/2006  at  08:38 PM  

  17. There’s a basic incompability between western-style democracies and Islam. I don’t really so much expect a racial crackdown on Muslims in Europe yet (though the French riots and the Danish cartoon incident didn’t earn them any points) but it could happen at some point in the future.

    What worries me more is what happens in 30 years when many European nations have a population that is 30-40% Islamic. What happens if they push for Sharia law in Germany or England? What if Muslim clerics kick the Vatican out of Italy?

    At some point I predict that there will be a war between the western nations and the Islamic nations. I believe that will happen sooner (next 15 years or so) rather than later.

    Stingray:  a blog for salty Christians

    Posted by Stingray    United States   03/22/2006  at  11:45 PM  

  18. re 18: Unless one just happened to be a Branch Davidian in Waco, Texas… No religious freedom, there, just the calculated and cold-blooded murder of 83, including women and children, by Der Schlickmeister and Jackboot Janet Von Reno. Maybe “small potatoes” as compared to the Spanish Inquisition, Crusades, Holocaust, Killing Fields, Stalin, Kim Il Jong, Saddam, Talibandits, etc, etc, etc, but still it happend HERE and that was intolerable, and inexcusable. 83 was 83 too many.

    I’ll go along with “sports teams”, just a distractive waste of time, to keep one’s attention off that which really matters. Rome had “bread and circuses”, we have NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, March Madness, etc crazy secular “religion” of today.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   03/23/2006  at  01:27 PM  

  19. 1047944755_cmarijuana.jpg

    OCM: Among the illuminati what is the commonest word for marijuana nowadays?

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/23/2006  at  03:01 PM  

  20. Bud - current

    Chronic (V. good weed) - current

    Weed (hip for the 60’s/70’s crowd)

    Pot - My father’s generation (WW II) and apparently also current

    Maryjewanna - eternal usage by the terminally unhip.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/24/2006  at  09:35 AM  

  21. Language has two goals 1. to communicate 2. not to communicate (i.e. to foil the narcs’ wiretap).

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/24/2006  at  10:28 AM  

  22. The Hard Drug dealers tried substituting “Jewels” for “Drugs” in their probably-wiretapped phone conversations.  All the prosecutors had to do was call a jeweler to testify that the prices quoted had nothing to do with the price of diamonds, rubies, etc.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/24/2006  at  10:46 AM  

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