The Final Solution, Part II


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 08/20/2006 at 04:08 PM   
  1. Those who do not study history (or refuse to acknowledge it) are doomed to repeat it. Perhaps Ahmawackjob might want to read the Bible - God promises to save his chosen people and the War of Armeggedon is fought in the area the arab idiot is talking about. . . you, hitler and the ‘dear’ imam just might want to take a moment and seriously consider if you want to anger God over 1% of the Middle East - especially at the behest of a made up people/nation. But I know, arabs stick together, never lie and everything wrong in the world is the jews fault. And so it goes and history repeats itself. Too bad this time, the state of Isreal will be so much bigger and even more secure without nutjobs and terrorists surrounding it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/20/2006  at  03:48 PM  

  2. Those who do not study history (or refuse to acknowledge it) are doomed to repeat it.

    Well said, wardmama!

    Posted by shinjinrui    United States   08/20/2006  at  07:06 PM  

  3. The only thing that really bothers me is that I’ve found some Christians who hate Jews so much that they support the Palestinians, etc.  I know that they are a small minority, but still very scary.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   08/21/2006  at  07:24 PM  

  4. The ghost of Moshe Dayan should pay old ‘AHMAWHACKJOB’ a visit ‘Christmas Carol’ him the nice glassy sheen his country will take on when Israel has to resort to nuking Iran.

    Posted by Agamemnon    United States   08/22/2006  at  12:42 AM  

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