the far right in europe. will they all get together on one page?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/20/2012 at 01:23 PM   
  1. What evidence do we have that the EDL are bad? so far all I have read is they have been victimised by the police and courts! and Peiper is correct, they are all we have who will stand up and be counted. I have read but not checked that they are a cross section of english people and have recieved more violence than have dealt!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   01/20/2012  at  02:45 PM  

  2. I don’t know anything about the EDL and other similar groups, but like many others a lack of knowledge doesn’t stop me from commenting (not referring to anyone on this blog - more a comment about commenters in general, based on what I’ve seen elsewhere).


    It seems that the EDL and its hoped-for allies have already lost the PR battle. They are referred to in the story as “far-right” groups, the obvious implication being that these are the 21st century equivalents of nazis.

    I guess in the eyes of the press it has come to this. People who want to preserve their national identity, culture, and values, and who speak out in opposition of carpet-bagging parasites, are branded as far-right extremists.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   01/20/2012  at  04:41 PM  

  3. It is not about Right and Left.
    It is about Right and Wrong.

    Love it, live it and let’s fight to keep it that way forever.

    btw, I am sick of amoral, immoral and criminal leftists controlling the meaning of words and media agenda - Facts not Opinion. Truth not Talking Points. Reality not Polls.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/21/2012  at  08:55 AM  

  4. Wardmama, that’s the perfect choice of words.  It IS about right and wrong.  The Islamists have declared that they are an existential threat to Western Civilization. 

    Western Civilization is right and the Islamists are wrong.

    Ironically, the Islamists have created a situation where the Jewish Defense League and the Ku Klux Klan have a common cause.  Heads may explode over that idea, but an alliance like that has some interesting possibilities.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/21/2012  at  01:26 PM  

  5. Ah Dr Jeff - you have touched upon one of my greatest loves in the human social existence - the less than 6 degrees of separation that really exist. Jonestown was a cult, an aberration and a dangerous example of the dangers of religion. Islam is a religion to be admired - show me THE difference, please. The NAACP was began by Jewish people for all non-white races. Now, it is of course, the venue of THE victim class. The Dem Party beats up a Republican for X - fill in the blank, while the Dem Party of the ‘little guy,’ working man, women, and of course THE victim class - Had a KKK Leader who voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act - as an extolled great leader (come on he said he was sorry), the ‘Liberal Lion’ (who negotiated secretly with the Russians) killed a woman, and of course their most vaulted ‘first’ black President was a serial sex offender - but the feminazis forgive him because he kept murdering one’s own child, legal. I could go on and on about how depraved the human race has been, is and always will be - and how far people twist reality and destroy the meaning of words to defend themselves or their causes.

    And it’s going to get us all killed.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/21/2012  at  02:21 PM  

  6. The NAACP was began by Jewish people

    Actually, only one of the four founders (1909) was Jewish.
    But by 1914 Jewish liberals were very much in the ascent. Lawyers anyone? It really wasn’t so much founded as we use the word, as formed by a meeting of 4 ppl in Jan. of that year.
    Official founding according to Wikipedia, was Feb. 12 1909. Birth of the NAACP.
    Of the 9 at the Feb. founding, still only one Jewish man although it’s fair to say many people in the Jewish community, having faced discrimination for years on a lesser scale, felt a sort of kinship with the negro in particular and the downtrodden in general.

    The reading was more interesting then I thought it might be but no surprises either as to the slant to the left, with all that implies.

    I guess in the eyes of the press it has come to this. People who want to preserve their national identity, culture, and values, and who speak out in opposition of carpet-bagging parasites, are branded as far-right extremists.

    Absolutely spot on and interesting also is something in today’s paper which may hand all a laugh before the scowl. It’s reported today that people on the right always see just the negative while those who lean left always see the brighter side of things.
    I wonder how much grant money folks who come up with “studies” make every year. ???

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/23/2012  at  07:05 AM  

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